In-game name: Nightmare98765
- Age: 20
- Date joined server: November 9 2020
- Current playtime: 20 days
- Why do you want to be a Police Officer: I want to become a Police Officer because I love to help people. As a tourguide, doctor and a lawyer I get to help people. But I feel like that is not enough. I want to help players have a peaceful and a nice time on the server. I really admire the Justice Department and how they keep the server a safer place for everyone. That is also my Goal to make the Server a safer place.
- What can you bring to the Department: I can’t really bring much to the department. Yet I can give people advice if they need one or just listen to their problems and see it from their perspective. I also can be on and help people to the fact that I live in another timezone to the majority of the department and so can get on when other’s can’t.
- Additional Information: Ty for taking the time to read through my apply even if it doesn't get accepted
- Age: 20
- Date joined server: November 9 2020
- Current playtime: 20 days
- Why do you want to be a Police Officer: I want to become a Police Officer because I love to help people. As a tourguide, doctor and a lawyer I get to help people. But I feel like that is not enough. I want to help players have a peaceful and a nice time on the server. I really admire the Justice Department and how they keep the server a safer place for everyone. That is also my Goal to make the Server a safer place.
- What can you bring to the Department: I can’t really bring much to the department. Yet I can give people advice if they need one or just listen to their problems and see it from their perspective. I also can be on and help people to the fact that I live in another timezone to the majority of the department and so can get on when other’s can’t.
- Additional Information: Ty for taking the time to read through my apply even if it doesn't get accepted