Bill: Accepted Parliamentary Minor Corrections Act


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Speaker of Parliament
Parliamentary Minor Corrections Act

Authorize Parliament to make minor corrections to active legislation for the purpose of correcting spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and formatting inconsistencies.

Parliamentary Minor Corrections Act:

Section 1: Short Title

(1) This Act shall be known as the Parliamentary Minor Corrections Act.

Section 2: Purpose and Scope

(1) The purpose of this Act is to authorize Parliament to make minor corrections to active legislation, specifically for the correction of spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and formatting inconsistencies.

(2) This Act applies only to changes that do not alter the substantive content or meaning of the legislation.

Section 3: Authority to Make Minor Corrections

(1) Parliament is hereby authorized to make the following types of minor corrections to active bills:

(a) Correction of spelling mistakes.
(b) Correction of grammatical errors.
(c) Correction of formatting issues, including but not limited to, consistent numbering, indentation, and alignment.

(2) Any corrections made under this authority must be documented and reported in the parliamentary record.

Section 4: Limitations

(1) Corrections made under this Act shall not:

(a) Change the intent or substantive meaning of any provision in the legislation.
(b) Introduce new content or remove existing content unless it pertains strictly to the correction of errors as outlined in Section 3.

(2) Any proposed changes that go beyond the scope of this Act must follow the standard legislative amendment process.

Section 5: Procedure for Implementing Corrections

(1) Minor corrections may be proposed by any Member of Parliament.

(2) The proposed corrections must be reviewed and approved by Prime Minister.

(3) Upon approval by the Prime Minister, the corrections will be implemented.

(4) A record of the corrections will be maintained and made publicly accessible.

Authored by LazyGraepe, Selmbab


Prime Minister
Prime Minister
Minister of Economy
Department of Internal Development
Department of Public Affairs
Prime Minister

This bill has received Prime Ministerial assent and is hereby signed into law.