Parliamentary Special Election - December 2024

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Deputy Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister
Minister of State
Department of State
Department of Economy
Deputy Prime Minister

This is the first Official Special Election post for the December 2024.

This Special Election will fill 3 remaining seats in the Parliament of Stratham. Please read everything on this page carefully, the Department of State will not assist you in any way to tell you if you do not meet the requirements to run or if you have not fulfilled the necessary campaign requirements.

Election Schedule:​

December 9th - Declarations (48 hours)
December 11th - Open Voting (48 hours)
December 13th - Voting Closes
December 13h-14th - Announcement of results (24 hours)

The following requirements need to be met to run for Member of Parliament:​

  1. Maintaining a minimum of twelve hours (12) of playtime in the 30 days prior [as seen in /bcseen].
  2. Having a join date on the BusinessCraft server of more than four (4) weeks prior to the beginning of the election cycle.
  3. Holding a minimum of one (1) week total playtime.
  4. Holding no foreign office of any kind in a state recognized by the Republic of Stratham or otherwise.
  5. Must have a discord account and forums account linked to their in-game account
If you do not have 12 hours of playtime by the start of this election, you will be disqualified.

The following requirements need to be met in order to VOTE:​

  1. Having a join date of longer than 14 days at the time the results are counted.
  2. Having a minimum of 6 hours of playtime in the prior 30 days, as seen in /bcseen at the time the results are counted.
  3. Having their Minecraft account linked to the BusinessCraft forums.

Campaign Clause​

4.4(a) No person shall be able to run in an election for Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, or Member of Parliament without making a public campaign post prior to the start of voting period.


In order to follow the campaign clause, you can choose from 2 ways to make your campaign statement and declare your intention to run in this election.

If you intend to make a campaign post on forums, please use this format to reply to this thread: "I, username, am seeking the position of Member of Parliament, and here is my campaign thread: link to thread. I will be running as an independent/member of [party name]."
The title of the thread should be as such: (Username’s) Parliament Campaign (December 2024)

If you intend to make your campaign post through Discord, use this format to reply to this thread: "I, username, am seeking the position of Member of Parliament. I will be running as an independent/member of [party name]."

Note: If you do not make a campaign post by the official 48 hours mark after declarations have begun, you will be disqualified from the Election.

Please post in this thread your declaration to run in this election.


Department of Internal Development
Department of Internal Development
Department of Economy
Department of Justice
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