Bill: Accepted Parliamentary Standing Rules V.5 Act


Deputy Speaker of the Parliament
Deputy Speaker of Parliament
Member of Parliament
Department of State
Deputy Speaker of Parliament
Parliamentary Standing Rules V.5 Act


Establish the standing rules to govern the Parliament of Stratham.

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title

(1) This Act is the Parliamentary Standing Rules Act V.5 or PRSA.5

Section 2. Commencement

(1) All Provision(s) shall come into effect upon passage.
(2) On the signage of this bill, the Parliamentary Standing Rules Act V.4 shall be rescinded.

Section 3. Reasoning

(1) The Constitution dictates that the Parliament shall establish its own rules for governance.
(2) The current legislation does not allow for applying Minor Corrections to the already passed bills.

Section 4. The Speaker

(1) The Speaker of Parliament is the chair of the Parliament and is responsible for conducting the day-to-day business of the Parliament

(2) The process for the appointment of a Speaker is as follows:
(a) It shall be the duty of the Department of State to carry out elections for the office of the Speaker.
(b) Nominations shall last for 24 hours in which each Member of Parliament may nominate themselves or another. Upon a Member of Parliament receiving two or more nominations, they shall be an official candidate for the office of speaker.
(c) After 24 hours have passed or a super majority of Members of Parliament [ ⅘ ] have acknowledged the post of the State Department, the voting period shall be open for 24 hours.
(d) After 24 hours have passed or a super majority of Members of Parliament [ ⅘ ] have voted, the State Department will verify the results and announce the results.

Section 5. Legislation and Constitutional Amendments


(1) No legislation passed by the Parliament may be signed into law without going through the following process:
(a) All Bills must be proposed on the Parliament subforum and then #bills on the BC Discord.
(b) After 24 hours after the proposal, the bill shall go through the voting process.
(c) Voting shall last for 24 hours or until all Members of Parliament have voted.
(d) After the voting is done, it shall be the duty of the Speaker to transmit to the Prime Minister that the bill awaits their signature of approval or otherwise.
(e) In the case a bill must be passed in expedient nature, the 24-hour waiting period after the proposal of a bill shall be omitted if the majority of Parliament agrees to such.
(f) Abstaining will only be allowed when you have a conflict of interest of a high level. It will not be an official vote as an elected official your duty is to vote on and pass or deny bills into law.
(g) A Minor Correction (defined in the Parliamentary Minor Corrections Act) is the only exception and does not follow this process, as it does not change the meaning or intent of the law.

Constitutional Amendments:

(2) No Constitutional Amendment may be passed without going through the following process:
(a) All Constitutional Amendments must be proposed on the Parliament subform and #bills on the BC Discord.
(b) After 48 hours after the proposal, the bill shall go through the voting process.
(c) Voting shall last for 24 hours or until all Members of Parliament have voted.
(d) After the voting is done, it shall be the duty of the Speaker to transmit to the Prime Minister that the Constitutional Amendment awaits their signature of approval or otherwise.
(e) In the case a constitutional amendment bill must be passed in expedient nature, the 48-hour waiting period after the proposal of a Constitutional Amendment shall be reduced to 24-Hours if the majority of Parliament agrees to such.

Legislation Format:

[Title of Bill]

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title

(1) This Act is the [Title of Bill].

Section 2. Commencement

(1) Provision(s) [Section Number(s)] shall come into effect [number of days, upon passage, etc]

(2) [More sections can be added with commencement like before.]

Section 3. Purpose and Reasoning

(1) purpose for the bill

(2) Reasons for the bill

Section 4. [Title of Section 4]

(1) This is a subsection. [Main provisions of the section]

(a) This is a sub-sub section [Used to clarify or elaborate on subsections]

Section 5. [Title of Section 5]

More sections can be added like before.

Authored by (Author) on behalf of the (Person, Department, themselves, etc.).

Constitutional Amendments:

[Title of Bill]

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title
(1) This Act is the [Title of Bill] V.[version number].

Section 2. Commencement

(1) Provision(s) [Section Number(s)] shall come into effect [number of days, upon passage, etc]

(2) Upon the signage of this bill, the [name of bill or bills being replaced] will be rescinded.

(2) [More sections can be added with commencement like before.

Section 3. Purpose and Reasoning

(1) Purpose for the Ademntment.

(2) Reasons for the Amendment.

Section 4. [Title of Section 4]

(1) This is a subsection. [Main provisions of the section]

(a) This is a sub-sub section [Used to clarify or elaborate on subsections]

Section 5. [Title of Section 5]

More sections can be added like before.

Authored by [original author] and revised by [author of amendment]

Articles of Impeachment

Articles of Impeachment against (name), (position)

In resolution

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Commencement

(1) These Articles of Impeachment shall pass into law upon the approval of the Parliament.

Section 3. Reasoning for Impeachment

(1) Reasons for the impeachment.

Section 4. Tribunal

(1) Be it resolved by the Parliament of Stratham, that (name) is hereby impeached and an Impeachment Tribunal shall convene.

Authored by (Author) on behalf of the (Person, Department, themselves, etc.).

Section 6. Motions and Amendments

(1) Motion to Amend Legislation
(a) This motion shall allow for the forcible amendment of a bill by striking out wording and replacing it during the proposal period. If the motion passes, the bill will be amended.

(2) Motion to Rescind
(a) This motion allows for any legislation to be rescinded prior to its passage and must be used before the voting period begins.

(3) Motion to Recess
(a) This motion shall immediately put a hearing to recess for a set amount of time determined by the Chair, the hearing shall resume after said time has passed.

(4) Motion to Adjourn
(a) This motion shall immediately end a hearing.

(5) Motion to Strike
(a) This motion shall allow for the language of a bill to be stricken.

(6) Motion to Appeal the Decision of the Chair
(a) This motion shall allow for the decision of the Chairperson to be appealed. Should the motion pass, the Parliament shall vote if the judgment of the Chair stands or not.

(7) Motion to Fast-Track
(a)This motion shall allow for a bill to forgo the waiting period before voting, in the case of constitutional amendments the motion must be posted at least 12 hours after proposal.

(8) Motion to Override Veto
(a) This motion shall allow for parliament to overturn a Prime Ministerial veto on legislation.

(9) Motion to Delay
(a) This motion will delay the voting period of a bill for a specified time.

(10) Motion to Censure
(a) This motion will be to censure a fellow Member of Parliament for unparliamentary conduct.

(11) Motion to Open/Close
(a) This motion will be to open/close a hearing or Committee.

(12) The process of motions is as follows:
  1. Upon the filing of a motion, the Chair shall ask all Parliamentarians for objections.
  2. Should no objections be expressed, the motion shall pass.
  3. If a Parliamentarian objects to the motion, the chamber shall proceed to a vote to decide on the motion.
  4. The motion requires a majority vote within 24 hours to pass. Motions to Override a Veto shall require a 4/5 vote.
Motion Format

Motion of [ type of motion ]
Mr/Mrs Speaker, I request to put forward a motion of [ type of motion ] on the grounds [ list the grounds ]
Signed [ member requesting ]

Section 7. Hearings, Committees and Subpoenas


(1) Parliament may motion to open a hearing with a majority vote for any reason.

(2) Upon successful motion to open a hearing against any government official, the government official shall be required to attend at the proper time and place the hearing is set for.


(1) Parliament may motion to open a committee with a specific purpose with a majority vote.

(2) Once the findings or purpose of the committee has been reached then the chair must motion to close said Committee.

(3) Specialized committees with prolonged purpose and extra powers will need to be created via a bill.


(1) A Subpoena is a writ of order to compel the attendance of a Government Official or person of interest by the Legislature.

(2) They must be sent to anyone in order for them to appear in any hearing or committee within the parliament of Stratham.

(3) Failure to comply with a Subpoena will result in a charge of a class 3 felony of Obstruction of Justice.

Section 8. Standards of Parliamentary Conduct

(1) The duties of a Member of Parliament are as follows:

(a) Every member of parliament shall, without fail, vote on every piece of Legislation announced to them within the period it is open for voting, OR fill out an absentee ballot no more than 48 hours after the voting has closed. If a Member of Parliament will be unable to vote on any single bill, they must inform the Speaker via message or intermediary before the absentee ballot window has closed. Absentee Ballots shall have the following format:

In-game Name:


Reason for Missing Vote:

(b) Every member of Parliament shall act in accordance with all established server rules and laws at all times and shall be representative of a good standard within the community, failure resulting in staff punishment will not be acceptable.

(c) Every member of Parliament shall only participate in legislative business only when at least 3 members of parliament are present. This does not apply to Minor Corrections (defined in the Parliamentary Corrections Act).

(d) Every member of Parliament shall, without fail, attend every scheduled Parliamentary meeting announced 72 hours or more in advance. If they are unable to do so, they should inform the parliament or the Speaker, either message or intermediary, no less than 12 hours before the event occurs.

(2) Members of Parliament should always speak in a noble, dignified, and respectful manner.

(a) Every member of Parliament shall give due respect to all persons, regardless of all external factors.

(b) Every member of Parliament shall speak in a manner befitting a representative of a Government, with no excess in profanity or hurtful speech directed towards another player.

(c) Every member of Parliament shall respect the opinions of others and shall not put down or degrade another individual for their personal beliefs.

(3) Every member of Parliament, in Minecraft, shall remain politically loyal only to the server of BusinessCraft.

(4) Members of Parliament shall not be punished for unwittingly proposing legislation that contradicts the constitution, but any member of parliament who sees an act of legislation that they recognize as unconstitutional should make every reasonable effort to inform the author.

(5) No Member of Parliament shall propose any legislation that contradicts, replaces sections or amend a pre-existing Act without removal of the former bill. Completely replacing it as a new act of law shall be prohibited.

(a) A Minor Correction (defined in the Parliamentary Minor Corrections Act) is the only exception, as it does not change the meaning or intent of the law.

(b) Rescinding a previous version of an Act in the Commencement section shall be equivalent to proposing an Act of Removal of the previous version of the Act. Members of Parliament must take that into consideration during the voting process.

Section 9. Parliamentary Warning Points & Punishments

(1) Parliamentary Warning Points will be issued entirely at the discretion of the Speaker of Parliament and can only be issued for unparliamentary conduct or failing to adhere to the duties of a Member of Parliament.

Authored by poemhunter on behalf of the Parliament of Stratham. Ammendments by LazyGraepe for the current Act.


Prime Minister
Prime Minister
Minister of Economy
Department of Internal Development
Department of Public Affairs
Prime Minister

This bill has received Prime Ministerial assent and is hereby signed into law.