Answered / Added Partner With Discord


Member Of Parliament
- Username: Creepsteve05
- Suggestion Title: partner with discord
- Elaborate (Why do you think it should be added, how will it improve the server, etc.):
Discord offers a partnership program to Discord servers that are part of a wider community, say a subreddit or in our case a Minecraft server. Discord will partner with servers as small as 500, so the current member size won't be a problem. Partnering perks include Level 3 boost perks (banner, custom invite link, etc) and Discoverability in the discord server finder (optional) which would open up a whole new source for new players. Partnering also gives the super cool icon in place of the boost symbol. I was going to suggest this to the DoPA minister, but only the server owner can apply for a partnership.

To partner, Koal needs to fill out a super simple application forum under the community section of the Discord overview, as seen below

Discord asks you about your server, your external media, and a few other things. It is very important that you include all social media when putting in the application, as that's he main thing they look for. We also have an advantage because we're a minecraft server, and they rarely deny those in my experience (I've been staff on a MC server that partnered, and I helped write the app). The application takes a few weeks to be processed, but in the end it's definitely worth it
- Does this require the installation of a new plugin (Yes/No): no

EDIT: The discord needs major changes if you want discord to accept it. DM me if you don't know what I'm talking about
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Minister of Justice
Department of Internal Development
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Department of Justice
Prime Minister