Accepted PeachLemon_'s application for Community Coordinator


Los Angeles Enjoyer
- In-game name: PeachLemon_
- Age: 12 (I know I am young)
- Date joined server: December 28th 2020 my join date has been reset a couple of times
- Current playtime: 25 days and 21 hours
- Role you're applying for: Community Coordinator
- Why do you want to be a Community Coordinator: The events that happen on bc are really well planned and executed I have to say. I already know the DoPA staff, as I was a tour guide for about a month. I am on good terms with all of the current CC's too. I love working on building projects with other people and other things like that. I have tried to come to every single DoPA event since I joined. I have a passion for building, planning, and plot making. Every DoPA event has been awesome and exciting. I would love to help bring new idea's and ways of thinking to your team! :D
- What can you bring to the Department: I am very active and have a ton of free time when I'm on BC. My time as a Tour Guide has payed off and I know what kind of events new players want and enjoy. I am familiar with lots of cities and places on BC.
- Additional Information: Thank you so much for considering my application and I hope you have a great rest of your day. :) Also if you have any questions at all, message me through discord! Peachlemon #9559


- In-game name: PeachLemon_
- Age: 12 (I know I am young)
- Date joined server: December 28th 2020 my join date has been reset a couple of times
- Current playtime: 25 days and 21 hours
- Role you're applying for: Community Coordinator
- Why do you want to be a Community Coordinator: The events that happen on bc are really well planned and executed I have to say. I already know the DoPA staff, as I was a tour guide for about a month. I am on good terms with all of the current CC's too. I love working on building projects with other people and other things like that. I have tried to come to every single DoPA event since I joined. I have a passion for building, planning, and plot making. Every DoPA event has been awesome and exciting. I would love to help bring new idea's and ways of thinking to your team! :D
- What can you bring to the Department: I am very active and have a ton of free time when I'm on BC. My time as a Tour Guide has payed off and I know what kind of events new players want and enjoy. I am familiar with lots of cities and places on BC.
- Additional Information: Thank you so much for considering my application and I hope you have a great rest of your day. :) Also if you have any questions at all, message me through discord! Peachlemon #9559
Good luck