- In-game name:PeeAtUrPics
- Age:17
- Date joined server: 5/11/2022
- Current playtime:1 hour 6 minutes
- Why do you want to be a Constructor: I've got some time to waste each day and I'm pretty good at building, I enjoy it as well and I'd like to expand my expertise to more modern city styled builds
- What can you bring to the Department: I can dedicate a few hours every other day or so to building if need be, I'm pretty good with deadlines if it's reasonable, and I'm a pretty solid builder who can solo most projects (I prefer to work alone anyways unless its mostly grunt work)
- Images of your builds (use imgur.com or similar, NO SHADERS):

- Additional Information:
I understand my playtime is extremely limited to be completely honest with you I'm not all too interested in playing minecraft unless its related to building so racking up playtime on any server usually isn't something I do. I certainly hope you can overlook my playtime and purely judge me by my skill. Most of the pictures I have attached are all star wars related as my previous job was for a star wars server, I have more pictures but they're all star wars based and maybe a traditional japanese house and some modern themed builds, I don't want to flood this application with pictures as I have a good amount but if you want more pictures I'll gladly send you some over discord Jboogie#0206. All the pictures I have attached I built without any help except the three massive ships, I had help pasting them in but each ship I built individually.
- Age:17
- Date joined server: 5/11/2022
- Current playtime:1 hour 6 minutes
- Why do you want to be a Constructor: I've got some time to waste each day and I'm pretty good at building, I enjoy it as well and I'd like to expand my expertise to more modern city styled builds
- What can you bring to the Department: I can dedicate a few hours every other day or so to building if need be, I'm pretty good with deadlines if it's reasonable, and I'm a pretty solid builder who can solo most projects (I prefer to work alone anyways unless its mostly grunt work)
- Images of your builds (use imgur.com or similar, NO SHADERS):

- Additional Information:
I understand my playtime is extremely limited to be completely honest with you I'm not all too interested in playing minecraft unless its related to building so racking up playtime on any server usually isn't something I do. I certainly hope you can overlook my playtime and purely judge me by my skill. Most of the pictures I have attached are all star wars related as my previous job was for a star wars server, I have more pictures but they're all star wars based and maybe a traditional japanese house and some modern themed builds, I don't want to flood this application with pictures as I have a good amount but if you want more pictures I'll gladly send you some over discord Jboogie#0206. All the pictures I have attached I built without any help except the three massive ships, I had help pasting them in but each ship I built individually.