- In-game name : PinkPanda_
- Time-Zone : GMT
- Date joined server : April 4th 2020
- Current playtime : 10 weeks 3 days
- Why you want this job:
I've been in the DoA for almost 2 years now, the department is like home to me especially the Agriculture Secretary side of the department. I've always preferred AS to Ranger as the role's work appealed to me most, activity in the farming district has always been somewhat low with the introduction of the NFS this has changed and I'd love to continue to help with the farming district.. Within the DoA I have always favoured the large department projects over reports like the current Animal Sanctuary project, working with others to construct something that the majority of players will see and explore is one of my favourite things about the DoA.
- Additional Information:
I am aware my grammar is horrible please excuse it
- Time-Zone : GMT
- Date joined server : April 4th 2020
- Current playtime : 10 weeks 3 days
- Why you want this job:
I've been in the DoA for almost 2 years now, the department is like home to me especially the Agriculture Secretary side of the department. I've always preferred AS to Ranger as the role's work appealed to me most, activity in the farming district has always been somewhat low with the introduction of the NFS this has changed and I'd love to continue to help with the farming district.. Within the DoA I have always favoured the large department projects over reports like the current Animal Sanctuary project, working with others to construct something that the majority of players will see and explore is one of my favourite things about the DoA.
- Additional Information:
I am aware my grammar is horrible please excuse it