Political Institutions Act
Reform, Standardise and Codify the formation process, limitations, rights, responsibilities, requirements etc. of institutions formed political in nature.
Section I, Short Name 1
Section II, Commencement 1
Section III, Definitions 1
Section IV, Political Party 2
Section IV, Parliamentary Election Information Changes 2
Section V, Media Political Affiliation Disclosure 2
The Parliament of Stratham Enacts;
Authored by Colonel_Kai, on behalf of the People of the Stratham Republic.
Reform, Standardise and Codify the formation process, limitations, rights, responsibilities, requirements etc. of institutions formed political in nature.
Section I, Short Name 1
Section II, Commencement 1
Section III, Definitions 1
Section IV, Political Party 2
Section IV, Parliamentary Election Information Changes 2
Section V, Media Political Affiliation Disclosure 2
The Parliament of Stratham Enacts;
Section I, Short Name
- This act is the Political Institutions Act.
Section II, Commencement
- All provisions of this act are to be effective immediately after passage by the Parliament of Stratham.
- In cases of conflicts with previous legislation regarding the topics covered by this Act, this Act is to take precedence.
- Upon the passing of the act, the following acts are to be rescinded except the provisions provided in the given acts that rescind other acts.
- Political Party Enactment, /political-party-enactment.14280/
- Amendment to Political Parties, /amendment-to-political-parties.14735/
Section III, Definitions
- Parliamentary Elections, unless context requires otherwise, is the election of the members of parliament as outlined by the constitution §§S1.SS2[Provisions I-IV].
- Prime Ministerial Elections, unless context requires otherwise, is the election of the Prime Minister as outlined by the constitution §S2.SS2[Provision I]
- Elections, unless context requires otherwise, is a term that encompasses both ‘Parliamentary Elections’ and ‘Prime Ministerial Elections’.
Section IV, Political Party
- A political party is;
- A group consisting of (at least) 2 members, and
- At least 2 of the party members; and
- intending to run for the next parliamentary elections or,
- is a member of the parliament or,
- is intending to run for the next prime ministerial elections as part of a ticket [either as a prime minister or deputy prime minister] or,
- is [either the prime minister or the deputy prime minister],
- At least 2 of the party members; and
- having a combined playtime of 48 hours (2 days) and,
- having joined 4 weeks prior to the beginning of the membership to the party.
- All members of the party;
- having a minimum of 6 hours of playtime and,
- having joined at least a week prior to the beginning of the membership to the party and,
- having a discord account a member of the official discord server and,
- having a forums account.
- The registration and keeping track of political parties is the responsibility of the Department of State. The Department of State may not, unless for reasonable processes to ensure the integrity of the information regarding the mentioned requirements, add any further requirements to the creation of a political party other than those stated in this act.
Section IV, Parliamentary Election Information Changes
- During a Parliamentary Election, in the candidacy declaration process, all candidates must declare;
- [The party in which they’re a member of] and [intend to run as a part of], OR,
- Their candidacy as an independent Member of Parliament.
- During the voting process of the Parliamentary Election, the institution in charge of the voting process is to display the party membership and affiliations or the independence of a candidate in the poll.
Section V, Media Political Affiliation Disclosure
- For any piece of media produced that is;
- intended to; AND
- change the general public or a demographic’s opinion and,
- claim to, or is intended to
- be factual and informative or,
- be a criticism, review or similar,
- is;
- funded partially or in full by a political party or their affiliates, or
- given its creative and factual control partially or in full to a political party or their affiliates, or
- was written in support to a political party and their affiliates as decided by a communication with a political party or their affiliates,
- intended to; AND
- the media is to disclose their relationships outlined by (1b) in a reasonable amount of detail, on the media which they produce where the consumer of the media can see the disclosure prior to the consumption of the media. The producer of the media is responsible for taking reasonable actions towards the ensuring of the consumer’s awareness of the disclosure.
- Punishment for failing to disclose the previously mentioned information shall result in;
- All parties affected by the produced media to be entitled to the losses caused by the publication or usage of the media,
- For the producer of the media and the political party;
- Offence 1: 500 kr fine
- Offence 2: 1000 kr fine.
- Offence 3: 1500 kr fine.
- Offences after offence 3: +500kr added onto the fine amount (E.G., offence 4: 2000kr.)
Authored by Colonel_Kai, on behalf of the People of the Stratham Republic.