radwiniscool's Parliament Campaign (August2024)


Member of Parliament
Member of Parliament
Department of State
Hello, some of you may know me, some of you not so much, but all of you are my brothers and sisters as compatriots of the noble Stratham.

I was once a soldier in the Troutman wars, fighting for our right to fight hard, live free, and die heroes, a prolific journalist in the informative writing industry fighting for your right to knowledge, and now a simple farmer living out my life in peace. Alone I'm not as important as the collective, but together our lives are a testament to the integrity of our glorious nation, and the will to grow and thrive embedded in each and every one of you.
In the next few days you will have the chance to vote for men, women, and xe who will define all of our futures, and I know it's a lot to ask of you, but I want you to vote for me. If you vote for me, you will be promoting a healthy, standard way of life, and helping to secure our lives from hardship.

As a member of parliament, I vow to uphold the rights of the common man and encourage the standard of life that everybody deserves.
As someone who has dedicated his entire life to promoting a healthy system of existence, fighting through battles both mental and physical, I know I'm the right fit to be a member of parliament, now you have to see the enlightening truth that is my willingness to serve the community and protect us with all my will.

Thank you, and god bless Stratham!