Answered / Added Removal of age from mod applications


Department of Public Affairs
Department of Public Affairs
- Username: saarthigaming
- Suggestion Title: Moderator applications
- Elaborate (Why do you think it should be added, how will it improve the server, etc.): See on the mod applications I believe that we shouldn't ask age as that might be a bit uncomfortable for some people I rather suggest either asking them on DMS as mod applications are accessible to everyone and hence somepeople might not feel good sharing them.
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Your Friendly Neighborhood Trash Panda
Executive Office
Department of Public Affairs
Special Advisor
Yes, some players may be embarrassed or uncomfortable sharing their age online, but being a moderator of a server requires a level of responsibility, charisma, and social skills, such that any player who completely fits the criteria for being a moderator (and would be likely to be accepted based on every criteria except there age) is unlikely to fall within the set of people who would be uncomfortable.

On another note, there is a degree to which the age of an applicant does affect their suitability for the position. As a general rule, the younger someone is, the less experienced and less skilled at managing difficult situations or people they are likely to be. Additionally, any person under 25 years of age is guaranteed to still be in the process of mentally developing, and the younger they are the further they are from that point of full development. After a certain point (I think around 12-13, give or take a few years), the likelihood of a certain person being capable of leadership is minimal. There are going to be exceptions in the form of young people who do have the skills necessary to lead, but they are the exception, not the rule.

Finally, there are examples in recent times of players who did not publicize their real age but were still accepted as moderators. Eva simply put "admins know" in the age section of her application. Extrapolating from this (although I'm not certain the exact details of that scenario), it is a possibility to simply tell the staff team how old you are outside of that public application and still be accepted.

For all the reasons above, I do not think it is a wise idea to remove the age limit from moderator applications. Please let me know if you have any facts that you think disprove my reasons, I'm open to discussion.


Staff member
Minister of Health
Department of Justice
Department of Public Affairs
Health Minister
Yes, some players may be embarrassed or uncomfortable sharing their age online, but being a moderator of a server requires a level of responsibility, charisma, and social skills, such that any player who completely fits the criteria for being a moderator (and would be likely to be accepted based on every criteria except there age) is unlikely to fall within the set of people who would be uncomfortable.

On another note, there is a degree to which the age of an applicant does affect their suitability for the position. As a general rule, the younger someone is, the less experienced and less skilled at managing difficult situations or people they are likely to be. Additionally, any person under 25 years of age is guaranteed to still be in the process of mentally developing, and the younger they are the further they are from that point of full development. After a certain point (I think around 12-13, give or take a few years), the likelihood of a certain person being capable of leadership is minimal. There are going to be exceptions in the form of young people who do have the skills necessary to lead, but they are the exception, not the rule.

Finally, there are examples in recent times of players who did not publicize their real age but were still accepted as moderators. Eva simply put "admins know" in the age section of her application. Extrapolating from this (although I'm not certain the exact details of that scenario), it is a possibility to simply tell the staff team how old you are outside of that public application and still be accepted.

For all the reasons above, I do not think it is a wise idea to remove the age limit from moderator applications. Please let me know if you have any facts that you think disprove my reasons, I'm open to discussion.
Totally agree with this. Being a mod comes with a lot of responsibilities. While it isn’t necessarily for the server to know your age, it’s easy to find loopholes or to just simply tell one admin and say that they know. Well said violet


Department of Public Affairs
Department of Public Affairs
i agree with vi.. idk how to take back the suggestion or close It tho


The one and only.
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Minister of Justice
Department of Internal Development
Department of Justice
Justice Minister
I think age on any application is fine, using age as the main metric is where issues start.