Bill: Accepted Repeated Violations of Regulations Act

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Deputy Speaker of Parliament
Member of Parliament
Department of Internal Development
Department of Public Affairs
Deputy Speaker of Parliament
Repeated Violations of Regulations Act

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title

(1) This is the RVR Act.

Section 2. Commencement

(1) All provisions shall come into effect upon signage of this bill.

Section 3. Purpose and Reasoning

(1) Purpose: To prevent players from violating the same regulations more than once regarding their plots in the Suburbs District; and to give adequate punishment(s) for the Player whose plots are reported by PIs on multiple occasions for the same reason.
(2) Reasoning: To ensure that repeated violations do not take place and give equal opportunity to other players wanting Suburbs plots.

Section 4. Prevention of Repeated Violation in Suburbs:

(1) Players who have been evicted from a plot for violating DoID plot regulations shall not be able to repurchase the plot they have been evicted from for the next 30 days from the point of eviction (stated in PI report)
(2) If the same regulation is violated within 30 days of the 1st breach, the Player shall not be able to repurchase the plot, nor purchase any other plots in the Suburbs District (designated district) for the next 30 days from the point of their 2nd breach.

Section 5. Punishments and Fines

(1) Repurchase of the same plot after violations leads to a 1,000 Kruna fine and immediate eviction.
(2) Continued violations on further purchased plots/ repurchased plots leads to a 1,500 Kruna fine and immediate eviction.

Section 6. Enforcement of Bill
(1) PIs will be responsible for keeping track of the reports they made on forums. After the eviction date stated on the report, the PI will check the property again to ensure it has not been repurchased by the previous owner. This only applies to reports made for violations of regulations.

Authored by 9402 on behalf of the Department of Internal Development


Prime Minister
Prime Minister
Minister of Justice
Department of Internal Development
Department of State
Department of Justice
Prime Minister
This bill has received Prime Ministerial assent and is hereby signed into law.
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