Rules & Laws

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Server Account

SERVER RULES (handled by staff)
Account Rules

  • You can only have one account on the server;
    • Confirmed alt accounts will result in a permanent ban for those alt accounts;
    • Transferring money from an alt account will result in a fine of the amount transferred.
    • Second offence of using alt accounts will result in an IP ban.
  • You are not allowed to log on another player’s account, even with their permission
    • Also includes those that don't have an account on the server using your account, too.
    • Punishments:
      • First Offence: Warning (2 points) for both accounts
      • Second Offence: Permanent ban on both accounts
  • Accounts are treated as one entity: if any laws are broken on an account (even if the account was compromised), that account will suffer the consequences.
  • We reserve the right to ban you in case we find your name inappropriate or too similar (purposely changed) to another player’s name;
    • Inappropriate name: controversial names relating to politics, sexual innuendos, having offensive slurs, or has the potential to stir up drama.
      • Punishment: Permanent ban until it is changed to something more appropriate.
    • Similar name: Changing your name purposefully to be similar to a player on the server.
      • Punishment: Permanent ban until it is changed to something different.
  • We reserve the right to ban you in case we believe your accounts skin is inappropriate;
  • Evading punishments is not allowed and may result in a ban, for example, it is considered evading punishment when you join on alternate accounts after being banned on another;
Client Modification Rules

  • Client modifications that give unfair advantages and abilities are prohibited;
  • Players are allowed to use mods like Optifine and Badlion
    • X-Ray
      • First Offence: Warning (4 points) + 2 day ban + K200 fine + In case any ores sold, that amount will be fined + removal of all ores
      • Second Offence: Permanent Ban
    • Other Client Mods
      • First Offence: 2 day ban + K150 fine + Warning (4 points)
      • Second Offence: Permanent Ban
Chat Rules

  • All chat rules apply in game chat, on discord, in BusinessCraft discords (approved services as well), signs, books, etc.
  • If multiple chat offences are done in one event then punishments can be compounded (added together)
  • Don't ask for special perks or permissions (e.g. don't ask to be teleported to a friend);
  • You need to be patient, respectful, and show maturity at all times;
    • Disrespectful/Immature behavior: Making fun of people, calling someone names, annoying people through messages.
      • First Offence: Warning (1 point)
      • Second Offence: Warning (1 point) + 10 minute mute
      • Third Offence: Warning (2 points) + 30 minute mute
      • Fourth Offence: Warning (2 points) + 2 day ban
      • Fifth Offence: Warning (2 points) + 1 week ban
  • You cannot start discussions about controversial topics, such as religion or politics in any global chat.
    • Discussion of real life politics/controversial topics: Politics/controversial topics include anything that is debated in real life political settings.
      • First Offence: Warning (1 point)
      • Second Offence: Warning (1 point) + 10 minute mute
      • Third Offence: Warning (2 points) + 1 hour mute
      • Fourth Offence: Warning (2 points) + 1 day ban
      • Fifth Offence: Warning (2 points) + 1 week ban
  • Offensive slurs, harassment, spamming, excessive swearing, racism, or bigotry is not allowed;
  • Swearing is only allowed under these conditions: no offensive slurs of any type, no swearing at another player, person, or group of people, no excessive use of swears, no obviously offensive swears;
    • Racism/Bigotry: Intolerance toward those who are a different skin color/culture/hold different opinions from yourself.
      • First Offence: Warning (2 point) + 30 minute mute
      • Second Offence: Warning (2 point) + 1 week ban
      • Third Offence: permanent ban
    • Verbal harassment: Insulting, personal defamation, or attacking another player in private msgs, mail, forums, or in public chats. Discord DMs can only be punished if it’s related to BusinessCraft.
      • First Offence: Warning (1 point) + K50 fine given to the victim
      • Second Offence: Warning (1 point) + K50 fine given to the victim + 15 min mute
      • Third Offence: Warning (2 point) + K50 fine given to the victim + 1 hour mute
      • Fourth Offence: Warning (2 point) + K50 fine given to the victim + 3 day ban
      • Fifth Offence: Warning (3 point) + K50 fine given to the victim + 2 week ban
    • Sexual harassment: Sexual harassment includes making lewd sexual comments about ones body, making sexual jokes towards a person who does not want them, asking for sexual favors, and/or verbal or physical harassment that is in a sexual manner.
      • First Offence: Warning (2 point) + k100 given to the victim + 1 day ban
      • Second Offence: Warning (2 point) + k100 given to the victim + 3 day ban
      • Third Offence: Warning (2 point) + k100 given to the victim + 1 week ban
      • Fourth Offence: k100 given to the victim + Permanent ban
    • Offensive/Excessive profanity: Offensive slurs, swearing at other players in an offensive manner, excessively swearing.
      • First Offence: Warning (1 point) + 5 minute mute
      • Second Offence: Warning (1 point) + 15 minute mute
      • Third Offence: Warning (1 point) + 2 hour mute
      • Fourth Offence: Warning (2 point) + 3 day ban
      • Fifth Offence: Warning (2 point) + 1 week ban
    • Spamming/Begging: Repeating a message 3+ times in rapid succession, flooding chat with messages, begging for anything after being told to stop.
      • First Offence: Warning (1 point) + 5 minute mute
      • Second Offence: Warning (1 point) + 10 minute mute
      • Third Offence: Warning (1 point) + 30 minute mute
      • Fourth Offence: Warning (1 point) + 1 hour mute
      • Fifth Offence: Warning (1 point) + 3 day ban
    • Discord Toxicity:
    • Offense 1: Verbal Warning
    • Offense 2: 1 Day Discord Mute + 1 Warning Point
    • Offense 3: 2 Week Ingame Ban + Discord Mute + /warn <User> -p 3 Toxicity
    • Offense 4: Perm Mute + /warn <User> -p 4 Toxicity Ingame
    • Ingame Toxicity:
    • Offense 1: Verbal Warning in Global
    • Offense 2: Innapropriate/Disrespectful Behaviour Punishment
    • Offense 3: 1 Day Mute + 3 Warning Points
    • Offense 4: Perm Mute + 4 Warning Points
  • Mentioning names of other servers, advertising other servers, communities, or other sites is not allowed;
    • Advertising: Blatant advertising of other servers and/or their corresponding communities or sites.
      • First Offence: Permanent ban
    • Advertising - mentioning unapproved services: Mentioning non-approved BC affiliated services, mentioning non-BC discord services, as well as advertising outside.
      • First offence: Warning (1 point)
      • Second offence: Warning (2 points) + 1 hour mute
      • Third offence: Warning (2 points) + 1 day mute
      • Fourth Offence: Warning (2 points) + 1 week ban
      • Fifth Offence: Permanent ban
    • Advertising - Mentioning server names
      • First Offence: Warning (1 point)
      • Second Offence: Warning (2 points)
      • Third Offence: Warning (2 points) + 1 hour mute
      • Fourth Offence: Warning (2 points) + 1 week ban
      • Fifth Offence: Warnning (2 points) + Permanent ban
  • Asking an exam question or knowingly giving an exam answer is not allowed;
    • Giving/Asking for exam answers
      • Per Offence: k25 fine for each exam question answered or asked
  • You cannot speak any other language besides English in global on both Discord and on the server;
    • Foreign Languages in Global Chat
      • First Offence: Warning (1 point)
      • Second Offence: Warning (1 point) + 10 minute mute
      • Third Offence: Warning (1 point) + 30 minute mute
      • Fourth Offence: Warning (2 points) + 2 hour mute
      • Fifth Offence: Warning (2 points) + 1 week ban
Griefing and Building Rules

  • Griefing and PvP in the wilderness is allowed.
  • Vulgar builds are not allowed anywhere on the server;
    • Vulgar Builds: Inappropriate and offensive builds
      • First Offence: Warning (1 point) + Destruction of build
      • Second Offence: Warning (1 point) + Destruction of build + k500 fine
      • Third Offence: Warning (1 point) + Destruction of build + k500 fine + 1 day ban
      • Fourth Offence: Warning (2 point) + Destruction of build + k500 fine + 1 week ban
  • Any sort of griefing in cities/towns/wild regions is not allowed, this includes (but is not limited to):
    • Stealing: Picking up dropped items from players and not giving them back, taking items from chests that are not yours without permission etc.;
      • First Offence: Warning (2 points) + 1 day ban + return of all items stolen or fined for the item value + k100 fined from the criminal given to the victim
      • Second Offence: Warning (2 points) + 1 week ban + return of all items stolen or fined for the item value + k200 fined from the criminal given to the victim
      • Third Offence: Warning (2 points) + 2 weeks ban + return of all items stolen or fined for the item value + k300 fined from the criminal given to the victim
      • Fourth Offence: Permanent ban + return of all items stolen or fined for the item value + k400 fined from the criminal given to the victim
    • Greifing of Private Property: Modifying another player's property without their permission. (Wild and city plots) This includes malicious changes even if you are added to the region. This also includes indirect methods such as using a water bucket outside of a player's property to flood their property or using lava flow to lava cast inside their property from the outside. TnT, etc.;
      • First Offence: Warning (1 point) + k250 fined from the criminal given to player affected
      • Second Offence: Warning (1 point) + k500 fined from the criminal given to player affected + 1 day ban
      • Third Offence: Warning (2 points) + k750 fined from the criminal given to player affected + 1 week ban
      • Fourth Offence: Warning (2 points) + k1000 fined from the criminal given to player affected + 2 week ban
    • Players are not allowed to destroy highways or roads.
      • First Offence: Warning (1 point) + k250 fine + 1 day ban + return of all taken materials or equal value
      • Second Offence: Warning (1 point) + k500 fine + 2 day ban + return of all taken materials or equal value
      • Third Offence: Warning (2 points) + k750 fine + 1 week ban + return of all taken materials or equal value
      • Fourth Offence: Warning (2 points) + k1000 fine + 2 week ban + return of all taken materials or equal value
    • Locking: Unlawfully locking doors and other lockable items that do not belong to you
      • First Offence: Warning (1 point) + k20 fine per locked item
      • Second Offence: Warning (1 point) + k40 fine per locked item
      • Third Offence: Warning (1 point) + k60 fine per locked item
Regioning Rules

  • All regions cannot be more than 20 points
    • Meaning you cannot have abstract regions, if a moderator cannot do it then the area will need to be adjusted to fit into 20 points
Wild Regions

  • It costs 7 Krunas per block to claim land in the Wild;
  • You are allowed to claim land in the wilderness which disallows other players to grief you;
  • A private region needs to be away from a government-approved city/town for at least 500 blocks from either of the city/town borders.
  • Unless given permission, your region needs to be at least 20 blocks away from another player’s region;
  • Must region a minimum of 50 blocks per wild region.
  • You may not claim a building in the wild unless you built it, the builder gives explicit permission, or if the builder has been inactive for more than a month.
  • If a player is inactive for 2 months, their region will be deleted and their items will be vaulted.
  • You may not create rentable regions outside of city/town limits.
  • Players are not allowed to obstruct entrances to or region an End Portal or Ocean Monument.
    • End Portal/Ocean Monument Regioning
      • Per Offence: Fine equal to the region's cost.
City Regions

  • You cannot merge City plot regions
  • You cannot have 1 build across 2 regions owned by 2 different owners
  • If you own 2 City regions, you are allowed to have 1 build across both plots. On the sale of a plot, both plots must be sold to the same player OR the build must either be demolished or separated to form 2 builds.
Players will need DoID Minister approval first.
Suburb Regions

  • You cannot merge or subregion Suburb plot regions
Banned Players & Repossession

  • In the event of a player being temporarily banned, their rightfully claimed property, which includes but is not limited to, owned plots, buildings, and items may be repossessed by the Government if such is deemed necessary.
  • In the event of a player being permanently banned, their items will be vaulted, balance cleared and given to the government, plots sold, and all rent regions unrented after one week or after their ban appeal is denied.
  • The following factors will be taken into account:
    • Status of the player (temporarily banned, permanently banned);
    • Offence(s) the player committed;
    • Outstanding debt towards the Government or other.
  • Banned players also have no right to request what happens with their property.
Other Rules

  • A toxic player (e.g. a troll) identified by staff can be punished as staff sees fit, which includes immediately banning the player from the server. Staff do not have to wait for them to break enough rules to remove them.
    • Staff Discretion: Staff reserve the right to punish you accordingly if you are behaving in a toxic manner. If you come onto the server to troll, misbehave and clearly not actually play the game staff does not have to follow the order of punishments. Potential punishments are kicks, permanent mute, and permanent ban.
    • In case you exceed the amount of offences in any listed punishment, staff has the ability to punish you under staff discretion as well.
  • Threatening the server or the players/staff is not allowed;
    • Threatening the server: Threatening to break the server (DDoS, etc.), steal from the server (break the non-compete rule)
      • First Offence: Warning (4 points) + 2 day ban
      • Second Offence: Permanent ban
    • Threatening players/staff: Threatening to harm or kill players
      • First Offence: Warning (4 points) + 2 week ban
      • Second Offence: Permanent ban
    • Doxing players: Exposing or threatening to expose player’s personal information.
      • First Offence: Permanent ban
  • Calling a ticket for a staff members assistance should not be abused or taken lightly;
    • Ticket Abuse: Calling a ticket and not needing any staff help, calling a ticket as a joke, etc.
      • First Offence: Warning (1 point)
      • Second Offence: Warning (2 point)
      • Third Offence: Warning (2 point)
      • Fourth Offence: Warning (2 point) + 3 day ban
    • Killing Staff on a Ticket
      • First Offence: Warning (1 point) + k100 fine (+ DoJ punishment if it’s in the city)
      • Second Offence: Warning (1 point) + k150 fine + 1 day ban (+ DoJ punishment if it’s in the city)
      • Third Offence: Warning (2 point) + k200 fine + 1 week ban (+ DoJ punishment if it’s in the city)
  • Exploitation of Bugs (i.e. using vehicles to get passed barriers/obstacles; duping items, etc.) is not allowed;
    • Exploitation of Bugs
      • First Offence: Warning (2 points) + removal of all items or krunas obtained by the exploitation of the bug + removal of items used to exploit + k500 fine
      • Second Offence: Warning (2 points) + removal of all items or krunas obtained by the exploitation of the bug + removal of items used to exploit + k1000 fine + 1 week ban
      • Third Offence: removal of all items or krunas obtained by the exploitation of the bug + removal of items used to exploit + Permanent ban
  • AFK-Kick Avoiding machines and Automatic Farms are not allowed;
    • AFK-Kick Avoiding: Having a contraption setup to prevent you from going AFK
      • First Offence: Warning (1 point) + Removal of all items or Krunas obtained by avoiding AFK kick time + 500kr fine
      • Second Offence: Warning (2 points) + Removal of all items or Krunas obtained by avoiding AFK kick time + 1000kr fine + 1 day ban
      • Third Offence: Removal of all items or Krunas obtained by avoiding AFK kick time + Warning (3 points) + 2000kr fine + 1 week ban
      • Fourth Offence and above: Removal of all items or Krunas obtained by avoiding AFK kick time + Warning (4 points) + 5000kr fine + 2 week ban
    • Automatic Farms: Any farm that doesn’t require interaction to make it work and to collect items, for example, a button or a lever. (These types of farms include crops, mobs, ores etc.)
      • First Offence: Warning (1 point) + Removal of all items or Krunas obtained by the automatic farm + k500 fine
      • Second Offence: Warning (1 point) + Removal of all items or Krunas obtained by the automatic farm + k1000 fine + 1 week ban
      • Third Offence: Removal of all items or Krunas obtained by the automatic farm + Permanent ban
  • Setting homes in restricted areas or other players properties without their permission is not allowed (ie. wilderness bases, jail cells, government buildings, exam rooms etc.)
    • Punishment
      • First Offence: Warning (2 points) + Removal of home
      • Second Offence: Warning (2 points) + Removal of home + k300 fine to criminal given to affected player
      • Third Offence: Warning (2 points) + Removal of home + k300 fine to criminal given to affected player + 3 day ban
      • Fourth Offence: Warning (2 points) + Removal of home + k300 fine to criminal given to affected player + 1 week ban
  • Staff may repossess items players are not meant to have. (ex. Department spawned items)
  • IRL Scamming/Third-Party: Any IRL transactions outside of the donation store to obtain in game items or currency is not allowed.
    • IRL Scamming
      • First Offence: Warning (4 points) + 1 week ban
      • Second Offence: Permanent ban
  • Requesting a chargeback is a bannable offense.

  • Being a part of Servers run by current or present players of BusinessCraft that are known to be deliberately poaching members and/or copying distinct features of BusinessCraft is not allowed.
    • Poaching members includes, but is not limited to, advertising the server or attempting to recruit any player of the BusinessCraft Server in any way, shape or form.
    • Distinct features include jobs, outline of any section of the whole map or a specific part (e.g. a part of the city, a building, etc.), plugins or plugin settings and similar systems and regulations (e.g. government system, rank colors).
  • This rule only applies to servers set in a City theme and primarily managed by players who were known to be active players of BusinessCraft.
  • We reserve to take any action necessary, which includes removal from all platforms utilized by the server.

SERVER LAWS (handled by Government)
Plot Laws

  • The theme of your building needs to be modern;
  • If your building is an eyesore, it may be taken down after a warning;
  • You are not allowed to have farms on your plot unless they are underground or hidden;
  • You can sell your plot back for 90% of the plot’s price, resell it to another player or auction the plot on forums;
  • You're not allowed to own more than 2 empty plots in a city;
  • A finished plot is defined as a plot with a completed building which is compliant with the Business Craft building codes and has a function, or a finished interior.
  • If a player is inactive for 1 month, they will be evicted and their possessions on the plot will be vaulted.
  • You are not allowed to alter the exterior of a preserved, historical building.

  • Historical Building Alterations
    • Minor Alterations (<25 blocks): k1000 fine + 20 minutes jail time + eviction max punishment.
    • Medium Alterations (<50 blocks): k1500 fine + 25 minutes jail time + evection max punishment.
    • Major Alterations (>50 blocks): k5000 fine + 30 minutes jail time + eviction max punishment.
    • Heritage Negligence (Refusing to remove griefers): k2000 + 25 minutes jail time + eviction punishment.
      The DoID has the power to:
    • Create new plots with height limits
    • Enforce height limits on plot that had previous intention to be height restricted. (ex. The area past the hospital and bus station.)
    • The DoID must declare the height limit through Forums or a physical sign on the plot.
      The DoID must provide a reason for the restriction such as protecting the skyline near important Government Buildings.

Suburb Laws

  • You may only have 1 suburbs plot;
  • You can only build a house in the suburbs;
  • The house needs look good. You may not use these basic materials in the construction of your house such as:
    • Dirt
    • Cobblestone
    • Wood
    • Other ugly/basic looking materials.
  • After 1 month of inactivity, you may be evicted and your items will be vaulted;
  • You can not destroy a pre-made house on a plot without approval;
  • Additionally, you may hire someone to make the house for you.
  • Players cannot have houses with more than three visible floors. As basements and rooftops aren't entirely visible, they are an exception to this rule.
  • Players cannot have suburb plots merged or subregioned.

Farm Plot Laws

  • You may only rent 3 farm plots in the capital at a time;

Farmland Grief: Intentionally breaking seeds or water sources in the farming district.
  1. 1st Offense: k250 fine, 5m jail time
  2. 2nd Offense: k500 fine, 10m jail time
  3. 3rd Offense k750 fine, 15m jail time
    Any additional offenses will have an increase of k250 fine and jail time of 5m.


  • When you first buy a plot, you will be given a minimum of 2 weeks to build;
  • You will be sent a mail in-game and will be given 2 weeks to improve your building. If you don't comply you can be evicted from your plot;
  • You can hire a person builder or someone from the Department of Internal Development to help you with your building;

Apartment Owner Rules

  • You're free to enforce the default rules for apartment renters and you're allowed to make your own rules;
  • If you make your own rules you must place signs on the premises of your property that are clearly visible, those rules will hold legal weight in a court of law if the following requirements are met:
    • The signs are in an obvious p[lace and are easy to understand;
    • The rules on the signs are reasonable. Reasonable meaning any rule that has an obvious purpose and does not infringe the rights of residents.
    • The signs have been there for at least one week before calling a PI or evicting.
  • If someone's rent expires and they haven't been on the server for at least 3 days, you're allowed to contact staff to vault their items and remove all locked items. After the staffer is done, you can destroy their items and keep them;

Rules for Tenants

  • You can not have the following items in your apartments:
    • Any type of farms;
    • Any type of liquids;
    • Nether portals;
    • Chest Shops;
    • Brewing setups;
  • Domestic animals such as dogs, cats, and parrots are allowed in apartments unless told otherwise by the landlord;
  • Respect the wishes and rules of your landlord, if you do not like them, you're allowed to move to a different place.

Mall Shop

  • When renting another mall region, you must have your current mall region completely furnished and have a minimum of 5 barrels shops;
  • Players are not allowed to rent out mall shops to other players.
  • Players can only rent 2 mall regions.
Any violation of mall shops will result in being fined the cost to rent per month of each mall shop above the limit.
Farming Laws

  • You can not have over 300 mobs in total;
  • There is a limit of 20 tamable animals of the players choosing including horses, dogs, cats, and parrots with no more than 8 of each species. More than the specified amounts will lead to fines of K20 per mob over the limit along with said mobs being euthanized or put up for adoption.
  • Any animal farm in the wild, regioned or not, is not allowed to hold less than:
    • 8 blocks per polar bears, and panda bears
    • 3x4 blocks, 3 deep of water per dolphin
    • 2x2 land in addition to 2x2x2 water per turtle
    • 4 blocks per cows, mooshrooms, sheep, pigs, foxes, horses/donkeys, llamas
    • 2 blocks per chickens, rabbits, wolves, cats/ocelots
    • 2 blocks horizontally and 3 blocks vertically per bee (also must have at least one flower per bee)
Animal Rights Violation
1st Offence: euthanasia of excess animals + K5 fine per excess animal​
2nd Offence: euthanasia of excess animals + K10 fine per excess animal + 5 minutes jail time.​
  • Abusive or inhumane treatment of tamed pets is illegal. (“Abusive and Inhumane treatment” is up to the DoID to decide.)
  • The Government will impose a 50 Krunas fine per animal left unsupervised in cities.
Abusing Pets:
1st Offense: K20 fee per pet + you must wait 3 days before you are able to pick up your pets at the shelter after they are taken (with a potential shelter ban depending on the situation)​
2nd Offense: K50 fee per pet + pets put up for adoption at the shelter + shelter ban until the DoID feels you're ready to adopt animals again​
3rd Offense: K100 fee per pet + pets put up for adoption at the shelter + shelter ban without the potential of an appeal​

  • You may appeal shelter bans by speaking with the DoID minister.

  • No villager will be allowed to be bought, sold, or rented for use.
  • For every 1 villager there must be 4 blocks of space the said villager can walk on, not including a bed, water, an occupation block, etc.
    • Villager Rights
      • First Offence: K100 fine per villager + 5m jail time
      • Second Offence: K100 fine per villager + 10m jail time
      • Third Offence: K100 fine per villager + 15m jail time
Economic Laws

  • If a player is inactive for more than 6 months, the Government will seize all their kruna assets.
  • A player with a /bcseen of less than 4 hours and a /seen of less than 28 days will be considered inactive.
  • Inactive players will have all city property assets seized by the Government and 50% of their kruna assets seized. Every additional 30 days, another 50% will be seized by the government.
    Kruna assets may be reacquired by creating a pruning refund ticket in the DoE discord.

Business Owner Laws

  • In order for your business to be legally recognized, you must register your company with the Department of Economy.
  • Your company's name can't be purposefully similar to another one;
    • Faliure to Report
      1st Offense: k150 fine, 5m of jail time
      2nd Offense: k300 fine, 10m of jail time
      3rd Offense: k450 fine, 15m of jail time
      4th Offense: Revocation of company benefits
Medical Laws

  • Dept. Health Staff Selling in Bulk: Selling more than 1 cure to a patient in a single visit.
    • 1st Offense: K500 Fine
    • 2nd Offense: K1000 Fine
    • 3rd Offense: K1500 Fine + Termination from DoH
  • Refusing Treatment of a Contagious Disease
    • 1st Offense: Fine equal to cost of treatment of victim, 200kr fine per player infected, 250kr fine, and 5m of jail time.
      • 2nd Offense: Fine equal to cost of treatment of victim, 250kr fine per player infected, 750kr fine, and 5m jail time.
    • 3rd Offense: Fine equal to cost of treatment of victim, 300kr fine per player infected, 1250kr fine, and 10m jail time.
  • Selling of Hospital Medical Supplies
    • 1st Offense: Confiscation of supplies, 250kr fine.
      • 2nd Offense: Confiscation of supplies, 450kr fine.
    • 3rd Offense: Confiscation of Supplies, 750kr fine, and 5m jail time.
  • Medical treatment outside of designated medical regions
    • 1st Offense: 300kr fine.
      • 2nd Offense: 500kr fine, and 5m jail time.
    • 3rd Offense: 1000kr fine, 5m jail time, and termination from DoH.
  • Non-medical professional distributing Hospital Medical Supplies
    • 1st Offense: 500kr fine and confiscation of Hospital Medical Supplies.
      • 2nd Offense: 600kr fine and confiscation of Hospital Medical Supplies.
    • 3rd Offense: 750kr fine, confiscation of Hospital Medical Supplies, and 10 minutes jail time.
  • Non-medical professional selling Hospital Medical Supplies
    • 1st Offense: 550kr fine and confiscation of Hospital Medical Supplies.
      • 2nd Offense: 750kr fine, confiscation of Hospital Medical Supplies, and 5 minutes jail time.
    • 3rd Offense: 1050kr fine, confiscation of Hospital Medical Supplies, and 10 minutes jail time.
  • Possession of Hospital Medical supplies in excess of 1
    • 1st Offense: 250kr fine and confiscation of Hospital Medical Supplies.
      • 2nd Offense: 500kr fine and confiscation of Hospital Medical Supplies.
    • 3rd Offense: 650kr fine, confiscation of Hospital Medical Supplies.
Police Enforced Laws

  • PvP is disabled in protected areas such as Spawn, Hospital and University;
  • PvP is fully legal in the Wilderness unless the recipient is a government employee actively working (ex. an EM on a project).
  • Initiating unwanted PvP in a city/town is illegal unless both parties give consent;

  • Murder: The act of killing another player without the victimized party giving consent to the murder.
    • 1st Offense: 50kr fine and 10 minutes jail time.
    • 2nd Offense: 100kr fine and 10 minutes jail time.
    • 3rd Offense: 225kr fine, 15 minutes jail time.

  • Murder of a Sr Gov. Official: The act of killing an individual who is the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister, Member of Parliament, or Judge.
    • 1st Offense: 1000kr fine and 15 minutes of jail time.
    • 2nd Offense: 1750kr fine and 15 minutes of jail time.
    • 3rd Offense: 2500kr fine and 15 minutes of jail time.

  • Murder of a Working Government Employee: The act of killing an individual who is preforming tasks in relation to their position as a government employee.
    • 1st Offense: 300kr fine and 5 minutes of jail time.
    • 2nd Offense: 500kr fine and 10 minutes of jail time.
    • 3rd Offense: 500kr fine and 15 minutes of jail time.

  • Assault: The act of inflicting over 1 heart of damage to another player.
    • 1st Offense: 55kr fine and fine equal to the cost of medical treatment to any victims, and five minutes of jail time.
    • 2nd Offense: 75kr fine and fine equal to the cost of medical treatment to any victims, and five minutes of jail time.
      • 3rd Offense: 155kr fine, fine equal to the cost of medical treatment to any victims, and five minutes of jail time.
  • Assault of a Sr Gov. Official: The act of inflicting over 1 heart of damage to any individual who is a Judge or Minister.
    • 1st Offense: 500kr fine and 5 minutes of jail time.
    • 2nd Offense: 750kr fine and 5 minutes of jail time.
    • 3rd Offense: 1000kr fine and 5 minutes of jail time.

  • Assault of a Working Government Employee: The act of inflicting over 1 heart of damage to any individual
    who is preforming tasks in relation to their position as a government employee.
    • 1st Offense: 300kr fine and 5 minutes of jail time.
    • 2nd Offense: 500kr fine and 10 minutes of jail time.
    • 3rd Offense: 500kr fine and 15 minutes of jail time.
  • Attempted Murder: The act of inflicting 3 hearts of damage or more to an individual.
    • 1st Offense: 50kr fine.
    • 2nd Offense: 100kr fine and 5 Minutes jail time.
    • 3rd Offense: 150kr fine, 10 minutes jail time.
  • Attempted Murder of a Sr Gov. Official: The act of inflicting 3 hearts of damage to any individual who is a Judge or Minister.
    • 1st Offense: 750kr fine and 10 minutes of jail time.
    • 2nd Offense: 1000kr fine and 10 minutes of jail time.
    • 3rd Offense: 1500kr fine and 10 minutes of jail time.

  • Trespassing: The act of entering another person’s property without permission. Without permission refers to signs or verbal warnings to leave another person's property.
    • 1st Offense: 50kr fine and 5 minutes jail time.
    • 2nd Offense: 100kr fine and 5 minutes jail time.
      • 3rd Offense: 150kr fine and 5 minutes jail time.
    • 4th Offense: 200kr fine and 10 minutes jail time.

  • Trespassing on Government Property: The act of accessing areas of a government building marked off as Restricted.
    • 1st Offense: 75kr fine and 5 minutes of jail time.
    • 2nd Offense: 125kr fine and 5 minutes jail time.
    • 3rd Offense: 175kr fine and 10 minutes jail time.
    • 4th Offense: 225kr fine and 15 minutes jail time.

  • Obstruction of Justice: The act of withholding evidence, lying to the Authorities, and/or interfering with an investigation or arrest.
    • 1st Offense: 75kr fine
    • 2nd Offense: 100kr fine, 5 minutes jail time.
    • 3rd Offense: 200kr fine and 10 minutes jail time.

  • Obstructing the execution of a warrant: The act of refusing to leave a property upon request by law enforcement after being presented proof of a warrant.
    • 1st Offense: 500kr fine and 5 minutes of jail time.
    • 2nd Offense: 750kr fine and 5 minutes of jail time.
    • 3rd Offense: 1000kr fine and 5 minutes of jail time.

  • Evading Arrest: The act of disconnecting to avoid arrest, the use of teleports to avoid arrest, running to avoid arrest, and the use of warp to different dimensions such as nether, end, and resource world.
    • 1st Offense: 75kr fine
    • 2nd Offense: 100kr fine, 5 minutes jail time.
    • 3rd Offense: 200kr fine and 10 minutes jail time.

  • Disruption of a government sanctioned event: The act of disrupting an event hosted by any executive department by acting in a poor manner or acting violently during the event.
    • 1st Offense: 250kr fine and 10 minutes of jail time.
    • 2nd Offense: 500kr fine and 15 minutes of jail time.
    • 3rd Offense: 750kr fine and 20 minutes of jail time.

  • Bank Robbery: The act or attempted act of stealing from a bank.
    • 1st Offense: 700kr fine, 15 minutes of jail time, and all stolen money confiscated.
    • 2nd Offense 1250kr fine, 15 minutes of jail time, and all stolen money confiscated.

  • Carrying a concealed lethal weapon without a permit: The act of carrying a gun that can cause lethal damage without having a weapons permit.
    • 1st Offense: 250kr fine, confiscation of weapons, and 1 firearm infraction point.
    • 2nd Offense: 500kr fine, 5 minutes of jail time, confiscation of weapons, and 1 firearm infraction point.
    • 3rd Offense: 1000kr fine, 10 minutes of jail time, confiscation of weapons, and 1 firearm infraction point

  • Trafficking of lethal weapons without a permit: The act of distributing guns that can cause lethal damage without a permit.
    • 1st Offense: 500kr fine, confiscation of weapons, and 1 firearm infraction point.
    • 2nd Offense: 1000kr fine, confiscation of weapons, 5 minutes of jail time, and 1 firearm infraction point.
    • 3rd Offense: 1500kr fine, confiscation of weapons, 15 minutes of jail time, and 1 firearm infraction point.

  • Scamming: The act of intentionally deceiving an individual through dishonest means in order to deprive them of their money or belongings.
    • 1st Offense: 500kr fine and 5 minutes of jail time.
    • 2nd Offense: 1000kr fine and 5 minutes of jail time.
    • 3rd Offense: 2000kr fine and 10 minutes of jail time.
    • Any citizen may bring a civil charge of scamming in court against another person or company. If found guilty they will be required to pay back all damages and face a punishment from the Department of Justice.

  • Abandonment of Vehicles: The act of abandoning your vehicle and leaving it unattended anywhere in a city. (Abandoning meaning "Leaving your vehicle unattended in an unsanctioned parking spot.").
    • 1st Offense: 75kr fine, 1 driver’s infraction, and impound of vehicle.
    • 2nd Offense: 100kr, 1 driver’s infraction, and impound of vehicle.
    • 3rd Offense: 150kr, 1 driver’s infraction, and impound of vehicle.

  • Public Intoxication: The act of disturbing the public or a specific player by slurred speech or throwing up or by exceeding the legal limit for intoxication (4%).
    • 1st Offense: 50kr fine.
    • 2nd Offense: 100kr fine.
    • 3rd Offense: 100kr fine, and 5 minutes of jail time.
  • Driving while under the influence: The act of exceeding the legal drinking limit (4%) while operating a motor vehicle.
    • 1st Offense: 100kr fine, and 1 driver's infraction point.
    • 2nd Offense: 150kr fine, 5 minutes of jail time, and 1 driver's infraction points.
    • 3rd Offense: 300kr fine, 10 minutes of jail time, and 1 driver's infraction points.
  • Abuse of Government Signs
    • 1st Offense: Verbal Warning
    • 2nd Offense: K60 fine per call + 10 minutes of jail time
    • 3rd Offense: K60 fine per call + 10 minutes of jail time
    • Every 3 offences after the 3rd, the punishment will have an additional multiplier added on. E.g.: 6 offences is 2x, 9 offences is 3x, etc.

  • Firearm Infraction point punishment
    • 1st Infraction point: 50kr fine.
    • 2nd Infraction point: 75kr fine.
    • 3rd Infraction point: 150kr fine and removal of permit with the opportunity to retake the exam.
    • 4th Infraction point: 250kr fine and temporary permit suspension for 7 days.
    • 5th Infraction point: 375kr fine and permanent ban of permit. Must be appealed on forums.
    • Any further infraction points will receive a punishment at the discretion of the Department of Justice.

  • Driver Infraction Point Punishment
    • 1st Infraction: 50kr fine.
    • 2nd Infraction: 75kr fine and removal of license with the opportunity to retake the exam.
    • 3rd Infraction: 150kr fine and removal of license with the opportunity to retake the exam.
    • 4th Infraction: 250kr fine and temporary suspension of license for 7 days.
    • 5th Infraction point: 375kr fine and permanent removal of license. Must be appealed in court.
    • Any further infraction points will receive a punishment at the discretion of the Department of Justice.

  • Any citizen may defend themselves with deadly force if an individual is actively threatening them.
  • Actively Threatening meaning "Attacking an individual with a weapon, or verbally threatening to assault or murder someone."
  • Attacking meaning "Assaulting an individual or attempting to murder".
  • Weapon meaning "Any item used to afflict damage under the requirements for assault".
  • Murdering someone in retribution is not an act of self defense.
  • The citizen defending themselves must provide proof of the individual actively threatening them.
  • Citizens may defend themselves with deadly force on their property or on another’s property if given permission by the property owner.
  • If an individual commits Evading Arrest through means of warps to different dimensions or disconnecting as defined under Section 5, they are to be jailed by means of commands.
  • The Department of Justice at their discretion may prosecute any individuals for crimes.
In-game/Discord Advertising

  • All services advertising themselves must adhere to the following rules:
    • Discord: Either 3 other services to post their ads before another form the same service is posted, or 48 hours since the last post is made.
    • /ad (in-game): At least 15 minutes must pass between posting another ad for the same service.
    • You may not directly reach out to citizens to advertise to them, without consent.
    • If someone else owns a channel / talking area (eg. discord channel, board) they may limit that channel / talking area to advertisements.
    • You may not falsely advertise.

  • Abuse of Government Signs
    • 1st Offense: Verbal Warning.
    • 2nd Offense: 50kr fine.
    • 3rd Offense: 100kr fine.
    • 4th Offense: 300kr fine.
Frivolous Case/Contracts

  • Reporting false crimes and/or joking around with the justice system is illegal;
  • Frivolous cases will result in a fine and imprisonment.

  • Frivolous Case
    • 1st Offense: Verbal Warning and 1000kr fine.
    • 2nd Offense: Removal of lawyer license with a chance to appeal through the courts and a 2500kr fine.
    • 3rd Offense: Removal of lawyer license with a chance to appeal through the courts and a 4000kr fine.
  • Appeals must be approved with a supermajority from the courts and from parliament.
    • It is unlawful for the government, business, or any other employer to fire a player for breaking a role-play law, but may fire an employee for reasons relating to it.
    • Role-play laws do not have set punishments, instead a judge will determine the punishment as they see fit.
    • Judges may not act as lawyers in court cases.
    • Players are allowed to have another player defend them in court. Both defendant and the plaintiff are entitled to a lawyer.
    • If a player does their job and another player believes it unjust, contact a neutral party from the same department for the input on the situation. If the contacted player also believes it unjust, the original worker must undo their action.
    • Slander against companies is illegal. As slander can vary in severity and to an extent is subjective, companies will be able to sue people who slander their name in court in order to hold the alleged slanderer accountable. It will be up to the courts to determine if what was said was slander and what the punishment will be.
    • Contracts formed between players are backed by the government as long as the following requirements are met:
      • Contracts may not include unreasonably harsh punishments.
      • Contracts may not bind someone to something unknowingly (i.e. they may not have excessively hidden subtexts or clauses).
      • Contracts must be recorded by the issuer. If they can not provide evidence that a contract was formed then it is invalid.
      • Contracts may not be formed over a voice chat and members of the voice chat may not act as "witnesses".
    • A contract could be deemed too harsh by the judicial system and thus become invalid.
    • If a player comes forward with secrets regarding corruption, that person has the right to anonymity. Meaning the person they reported to cannot reveal their identity and the corrupt organization in question cannot request the identity of that person.
    • If the whistle blower's information turns out to be false, this law will no longer protect them and their identity may be revealed.
    • Nobody can be punished for a crime they committed if the law was made after the action has occurred.
Illicit Substances

Class 0 substances - Lumnas Root and Docweed
Class 1 substances - Fireweed, Puffweed, Badroot

  • Possession of Schedule 1 substances (Class 2 Misdemeanor)
    • 1st offense: Confiscation of drugs, 25kr fine, and 5 minutes of jail time.
    • 2nd offense: Confiscation of drugs, 50kr fine, and 5 minutes of jail time.
    • 3rd offense: Confiscation of drugs, 100kr fine, and 10 minutes of jail time.
  • Distribution of Schedule 1 substances (Class 3 Felony)
    • 1st offense: Confiscation of drugs, 200kr fine, and 5 minutes of jail time.
    • 2nd offense: Confiscation of drugs, 250kr fine, and 5 minutes of jail time.
    • 3rd offense: Confiscation of drugs, 400kr fine, and 10 minutes of jail time.
  • Use of Schedule 1 substances (Class 1 Misdemeanor)
    • 1st offense: Confiscation of drugs 50kr fine, and 5 minutes of jail time.
    • 2nd offense: Confiscation of drugs 100kr fine, and 5 minutes of jail time.
    • 3rd offense: Confiscation of drugs 200kr fine, and 10 minutes of jail time.
  • Production of Schedule 1 substances (Class 2 Felony)
    • 1st offense: Confiscation of drugs, destruction of farm, 250kr fine, and 5 minutes of jail time.
    • 2nd offense: Confiscation of drugs, destruction of farm, 300kr fine, and 5 minutes of jail time.
    • 3rd offense: Confiscation of drugs, destruction of farm, 450kr fine, and 10 minutes of jail time.
  • Trafficking of Schedule 1 substances (27+ stacks) (Class 1 Felony)
    • 1st offense: Confiscation of drugs, 400kr fine, and 7 minutes of jail time.
    • 2nd offense: Confiscation of drugs, 500kr fine, and 10 minutes of jail time.
    • 3rd offense: Confiscation of drugs, 750kr fine, and 10 minutes of jail time.
  • Possession of Schedule 0 substances in excess (2+ stacks) (Class 3 Misdemeanor)
    • 1st offense: Confiscation of excess drugs and Verbal Warning.
    • 2nd offense: Confiscation of excess drugs, 20kr fine.
    • 3rd offense: Confiscation of excess drugs, 40kr fine and 10 minutes of jail time.
  • Distribution of Schedule 0 substances in excess without registration (54+ stacks) (Class 3 felony)
    • 1st offense: Confiscation of drugs, 200kr fine, and 5 minutes of jail time.
    • 2nd offense: Confiscation of drugs, 250kr fine, and 5 minutes of jail time.
    • 3rd offense: Confiscation of drugs, 400kr fine, and 10 minutes of jail time.
  • Distribution of Schedule 0 substances in excess with registration (108+ stacks) (Class 3 Misdemeanor)
    • 1st offense: Confiscation of excess drugs and Verbal Warning.
    • 2nd offense: Confiscation of excess drugs, 20kr fine.
    • 3rd offense: Confiscation of excess drugs, 40kr fine and 10 minutes of jail time.
  • Trafficking of Schedule 0 substances (10+ stacks) (Class 1 Felony)
    • 1st offense: Confiscation of drugs, 400kr fine, and 7 minutes of jail time.
    • 2nd offense: Confiscation of drugs, 500kr fine, and 10 minutes of jail time.
    • 3rd offense: Confiscation of drugs, 750kr fine, and 10 minutes of jail time.
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