See you later


As some of you know im someone that breaks alot of rule and have been banned for a long time now i cant play the server anymore i dont wanna talk too much but ill cut it down

I started playing on the server on feb i think i might have join earlier but i forgot about the server and on feb 2024 is when i started to play
im always 24/7 on every free time i have to play on that server why? cause i have no life my life is as bad as it was you can see how no life i have by watching me in the server i like trolling having fun making friends which is something i never get to do in real life even if i get unbanned i cannot play on it no more all this time ive never use the paid version of minecraft i use easymc which recently shut down my family has been struggling and and im always stressed out until i found this server which i can have fun and forget about the stress i have im spending all my moment while i can why i say that? because as bad as it was i wont even live up to 18 at this current condition every now and then electricity goes out water goes out we havent paid the bill in soo long while i still can have fun i am using it but i got banned for trolling on 9/5/2024 ive been asking for appeal but never got accepted im very sorry for being soo rude and all before i was just having something that i wont be able to do irl my parent is old on the verge of death and im still in my teenage years my mom is sick for months now i may not have a life in real life but at least i get to have a life in this server which is based on real life idk how to explain much im not that good at english and mostly i yap but im still 13 i may be young but im trying to spend my time as mature as bad as my life is i stop believe in god if god do exist hes the devil and i just wanna kill myself but i just cant i always play and yap to let out and forget about the real situation im in but i got banned on alot of server for having fun hope i can play on this server again i hope u understand what im trying to say honestly...


Department of State
Department of State
Department of Economy
Omg i am really Sorry Josh hopefully your Family gets the Treatments they need


Your Friendly Neighborhood Trash Panda
Executive Office
Department of Public Affairs
Special Advisor
Hey Josh! Sorry to hear you're not doing well. I hope you find someone to talk about stuff openly with, but if you're ever in a super unsafe place again (mentally), please use a crisis line. I don't know what's going on, but I do know that when I've been in a tough spot, just knowing I could get help whenever I need it has helped me calm down.
And if you ever need to chat about life, or God, or whatever, my DMs are open.


Department of Public Affairs
Department of Public Affairs
I actually feel after this we need to give people a better chance. even if they were banned for something ultimately we don't know what someone is going through irl and giving them a moment of happiness is very nice to feel...
i feel sorry you couldn't get unbanned and now you can't play , I never met you before I think but reading this was very emotional to me and I hope you get better irl
be strong and don't let anyone break you <3