Bill: Rejected Senior Government Position Requirement Extension Act

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Los Angeles Enjoyer
Amend the Constitution: Section 1, Subsection 1 5.D and 6.D

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title (1)

(1) This Act is the Senior Government Position Requirement Removal Act

Section 2. Commencement

(1) This Bill shall be enacted upon signage.

Section 3. Reasoning

1 - In the constitution it says “(D) have served in any of the senior government positions in the previous 120 days (e.g., MP, Minister, Judge) before becoming DPM” This is truly unfair to the people of the republic as not all people want to serve or get the opportunity to serve in these positions, and even if you would argue that why would we limit the pool of candidates? We have over regulated the processes too much and this is another example of hoops people have to jump through in order to be able to run for the highest office in the land.

2 - The people of stratham should be able to choose who they want to lead them in government, not based on their experience but their ideas and how the interact with the people. We should trust that the people of this republic will make an informed decision and let them elect who they want.

3 - A petition was created by the citizens in order to remove this months ago. Click here

Section 4. New wording

1 - Remove “Section 1, Subsection 1 part 6,D (D) have served in any of the senior government positions in the previous 120 days (e.g., MP, Minister, Judge) before becoming DPM” from the constitution

1 - Remove “Section 1, Subsection 1 Part 5.D (D) have served in any senior government position in the previous 120 days (e.g., MP, Minister, Judge) prior to becoming Prime Minister. And replace it with this (D) have served in any senior government position in the previous 180 days (e.g., MP, Minister, Judge) prior to becoming Prime Minister

Authored by PeachLemon_ on behalf of The People of Stratham