Accepted SmorelelUniverse's Application for State Secretary


Department of State
Department of State
- In-game name: SmorelelUniverse
- Date joined server: March 17th 2023
- Current playtime: 6d 8h
-Position you are applying for: State Secretary
- Why do you want to be a State Secretary: Foremost, this department seems fascinating and interesting to me, and I would love to try it. Secondly, I want to look closer in how departments such as the DoS works.
- What can you bring to the Department: Firstly, I always try to be my best self. I am always ready to take on a leadership role, as well as being able to take criticism, and I always try to learn from criticism. Secondly, I am great at managing things. I am organised and able to get my work done in an orderly manner. I also always get my work done in time, but I also make sure the work is exemplary. Furthermore, I am a nice person, and I will always go out of my way to help someone.
- What does your previous experience include: I have no experience working at any other departments.
- Additional Information: My timezone is GMT+8. Thank you for reading this post and have a good day :)
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Minister of State
Minister of State
Department of Economy
State Minister


Congratulations, SmorelelUniverse! Your application for State Secretary has been accepted.
