Denied star_king's application to be a police officer.

Taim Qimeh

Age: 15
When did you join?: December 4 2020.
Why do you want to be a police officer: I saw crime's happen, and I thought to myself what if I can save the people that are getting robbed, murdered, and kidnapped, I have so much experience, so I would be the perfect police officer, and I will do my best, I know all the rules and I respect them, and I promise that I will follow them, and you can kick me out of my job if I don't. Thank you for reading this.
How could you help the police department: I have so much experience and my dad and my grandfather were police officers.
Additional information: My Mom is a lawyer.

Thank you for your time.
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Sorry, your application for Police Officer has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


Need more active on server before consider D
