Bill: Pending State of Emergency Act


Deputy Speaker of the Parliament
Deputy Speaker of Parliament
Member of Parliament
Department of State
Deputy Speaker of Parliament
State of Emergency Act

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title

(1) This Act is the State of Emergency Act or the SoE Act for short.

Section 2. Commencement

(1) All Provision(s) shall come into effect upon passage.

Section 3. Purpose and Reasoning

(1) To detail what a State of Emergency is and when it should be utilized.

Section 4. State of Emergency

(1) A State of Emergency should only be utilized when there is either a Mass Murder Spree, a Disaster, or a Lack of Governmental Interest
(a) A Governmental Announcement shall be utilized when a SoE is activated, dictating what the cause is (for example: State of Emergency for Mass Murder).

Section 5. Procedures

(1) A State of Emergency for Mass Murder
(a) When issued, the Department of Justice will lock down the city, moving Governmental Figures to a safe spot.
(b) The DoJ will actively pursue with as many Police Officers as possible in order to subdue and jail the Mass Murder Suspect.
(c) Shall be lifted upon the capture and jailing of the convicted suspect.

(2) A State of Emergency for a Disaster
(a) When issued, the Department of Health will warn and disclose information from the impending disaster or the disaster details that have already taken effect.
(b) Will allow the DoH to respond immediately with emergency aid.
(c) Shall be lifted upon an “All Clear” message from the DoH Minister.

(3) A State of Emergency for a Lack of Governmental Interest (Executive Reason)
(a) When issued for an Executive reason, may allow either the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister or both to act as the head of any Department that currently does not have an Acting Minister or an active Minister approved by the Parliament.
(b) Shall only be issued when 2 or more departments do not have an Acting or an Approved Minister or when multiple Ministers resign in a brief period of time.
(c) Shall be lifted when all of the Departments have an Acting or an Approved Minister appointed, or after 2 months have passed.

(4) A State of Emergency for a Lack of Governmental Interest (Legislative Reason)
(a) When issued, shall lift the separation of Government Stipulations for Ministers for 2 Member of Parliament positions.
(b) The 3 remaining positions shall still be subject to only serving the Legislative Branch.
(c) A Minister may not be a Minister and the Speaker of Parliament at the same time.
(d) Shall only be issued when 2 Special Parliamentary Elections have been attempted, but not completed.
(c) Shall be lifted upon filling all Member of Parliament positions. The Ministers elected to serve in the Parliament may remain in the Parliament until the end of the Parliamentary Term. The next election shall proceed as normal.

(5) A State of Emergency for a Lack of Governmental Interest (Judicial Reason)
(a) When issued, shall allow the current Speaker of Parliament to act as a Judge to any case that is not an impeachment case.
(b) Shall only be issued when there are no Judges appointed.
(c) Shall be lifted upon appointing a Judge.

Authored by DoubbleKerius and LazyGraepe on behalf of the Government