Bill: Accepted Stratham Bar Association Act

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P. Hunter

Stratham Bar Association Act

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title
(1) This Act is the Revised Stratham Bar Association Act.

Section 2. Commencement
(1) All Provision(s) shall come into effect upon passage.

Section 3. Reasoning
(1) To re establish the Stratham Bar Association

Section 4. Stratham Bar Association
(1) The Stratham Bar Association shall be a government entity overseen by an Executive Committee.
(2) The Chairman is the head of the Stratham Bar Association.

2A. The Chairman is responsible for the day to day operations of the SBA.
2B. The Chairman is ex officio a member of the Executive Committee.
2C. The Chairman shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Committee.
2D. Shall serve for a 4 month term.
2E. Is responsible for facilitating elections.

(3) The Executive Committee or otherwise known as the Board shall be composed of 4 members, 3 of the members shall be elected and the 4th member is the Chairman.

3A. The Executive Committee shall have the power to change the amount of allowed members in the committee with a majority vote.
3B. The Executive Committee shall be able to create, amend, or remove the bylaws.
3C. Shall serve for a 2 month term.
3D. Shall have the power to assign additional powers to themselves or other parts of the SBA within the scope of the legal field.
3E. All motions/Directives passed by the Executive Committee are subject to approval/veto of the Chairman which can be overridden with a unanimous vote excluding the chairman’s vote.

(4) The SBA shall be tasked with investigating those who work inside the legal field for things that include but are not limited to misconduct, corruption, and bribery.

The SBA shall have the power to regulate the legal profession, disbar a lawyer, and reinstate a lawyer. This power will be vested in the Executive Committee.

(5) The Executive Committee shall be required to create bylaws within 3 weeks of being elected.

The bylaws shall serve as the second highest constituting instrument of the SBA.

(6) Upon obtaining the lawyer qualification, you will be qualified to become a general member of the Stratham Bar Association.

Until you join the discord and receive the appropriate role, you will not actually be considered a member of the SBA.

Section 5. Elections

(1) The Chairman and Executive Committee shall be elected by the general membership of the SBA.
(2) The Chairman and Executive Committee shall be elected on a separate ballot.
(3) No Judge may sit on the Board of the SBA.
(4) The process of electing a chairman is:

4A. Declarations for Chairman shall be held on the 15th of the month every 4 months and shall last for 24 hours.
4B. After 24 hours have passed, voting shall commence and will last for 24 hours.
4C. Results will be announced at the end of voting and the new Chairman will assume office when the current Chairman’s term ends.

(5) The process of electing an Executive Committee is:

5A. Declarations for the Executive Committee shall be held on the 15th of the month every 2 months and shall last for 24 hours.
5B. After 24 hours have passed, voting shall commence and will last for 24 hours.
5C. Results will be announced at the end of voting and the new Executive Committee will assume office when the current Committee's term ends.

(6) Upon a vacancy of any of the positions above, the Chairman shall start the process to elect either a new Board Member(s) or a Chairman.

If the Chairman is incapacitated or unavailable, it shall be the duty of the Department of State to perform the elections.

Section 6. Definitions

Bylaws: These are the governing rules and regulations that all lawyers must follow to practice as a lawyer.
Motions: An order compelling an action or presence within the SBA before the Executive committee or Investigative committee
Directives: An order of action to be taken by the SBA Body ( All Lawyers )

Section 7. SBA Facilitator Action Reserve Power.

The Ownership of Businesscraft may instruct and appoint a Facilitator to oversee operational management when elections or the SBA Executive Committee have failed due to inactivity, negligence or failure of duties and have broken the Governance and Integrity of the Body.

Authored by Ryan_88 (original author), Revisions made by poemhunter, on behalf of the people.
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Member of Parliament
Member of Parliament
Department of Internal Development
Department of Justice
Department of Public Affairs
Vote: aye
Reason for missing vote: irl matter


Department of State
Department of State
This bill has received Prime Ministerial assent and is hereby signed into law.
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