Lawsuit: Dismissed Suing another citizen: SaltyxFox vs. LmaozPlayz

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Provide detail of the situation: So, I wanted to know where the car dealership was, so I asked in chat "Anyone know where the dealership is?" Then LmaozPlayz answer "Behind spawn" So I went to go there. Shortly after arriving there LmaozPlayz came and killed me.

I do have proof, not videos but you can see that, in chat it said "if LmaozPlayz killed you in the city you may press charges" Which means that I was killed by LmaozPlayz, then to prove it was in the city I have a picture of the respawn page, where you can see in the background I was at the dealership. I am writing this on PC and I took the pictures on a phone. So I cannot provide the pics here. Though I can provide it on discord.

I hope this gets resolved thank you.
For compensation I would like 500-1000 Krunas, (I had dropped a few diamonds to make space for other things I wouldve picked them back up)


Dismissed at the request of the Plaintiff

Court Dismissed

This case was presided by Judge Tree60NoScope
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