Executive Office
Department of Justice
Special Advisor
- In-game name:Teddytaps230
- Time-Zone (optional): GMT
- Age (optional): 25
- Date joined server: 24/4/21
- Current playtime: 1w 5d 218hr. BCSEEN is 1 Day 2 Hours 13 Minutes
- Why you want this job: I was a landscaper a while ago and really enjoyed the experience. As I have now taken up the job of a Miner for my spare time in BC, I am actively running around the wild finding inactive regions etc that should be reported and removed. I feel like the two jobs go hand in hand and so felt it necessary to offer my services and request this job! Especially since I really enjoyed my time as a Landscaper and feel ready to get deeper into the territory of the DoA following on from what I learnt as a Landscaper. I know this much the same as my last application however, due to thing such as my work times clashing with other peoples work or school lives I was not trained. I therefore want to apply again and receive the training so that I can do my best to succeed in this role :)
- Additional Information: Thank you for reading my application!
- Time-Zone (optional): GMT
- Age (optional): 25
- Date joined server: 24/4/21
- Current playtime: 1w 5d 218hr. BCSEEN is 1 Day 2 Hours 13 Minutes
- Why you want this job: I was a landscaper a while ago and really enjoyed the experience. As I have now taken up the job of a Miner for my spare time in BC, I am actively running around the wild finding inactive regions etc that should be reported and removed. I feel like the two jobs go hand in hand and so felt it necessary to offer my services and request this job! Especially since I really enjoyed my time as a Landscaper and feel ready to get deeper into the territory of the DoA following on from what I learnt as a Landscaper. I know this much the same as my last application however, due to thing such as my work times clashing with other peoples work or school lives I was not trained. I therefore want to apply again and receive the training so that I can do my best to succeed in this role :)
- Additional Information: Thank you for reading my application!