Vetoed The Better Pruning Tax Act Amendment

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The Better Pruning Tax Act Amendment
Provide the government with revenue

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title
(1) This Act is The Better Pruning Tax Act Amendment.

Section 2. Commencement
(1) All Provisions shall come into effect upon passage.
(2) The provisions in The Better Pruning Tax Act shall be repealed.

Section 3. Reasoning
(1) Pruning is currently considered unfair by a large share of our server. We the government
must make lasting changes to improve the fairness of such a tax. Further, upon review of
the bill I see an unnecessary removal of property as a section within the prior law. Players
are already being taxed, there exists other mechanisms to remove an inactive player’s
property. This bill should only be a tax.

Section 4. Definitions
(1) Inactive: A player whom:
(a) Has a /bcseen playtime of 4 hours within the past 30 days and;
(b) Has a /seen date of fewer than 28 days.

Section 5. Pruning Tax
(1) Every week, the DoE shall take count from /baltop. The 10 inactive players with the most
money will be selected.
(2) The selected players shall have a tax that is equal to 50% of their overall kruna balance
that is on their persons applied to them.
(3) All money collected by the DoE must go through a burn tax, the government treasury
shall be required to burn at least 20% of what is collected by the pruning tax. The DoE
minister or the person whom they delegate this responsibility to can set the burn tax rate
to any amount exceeding 20% but not exceeding 100%.
(4) The DoE must keep records on whom they taxed, what amount was taxed, and how much
was burned.
(a) Violations of this section will allow players to sue for their balance back, provided
they can give evidence in support of their claims and they no longer fit the
definition of inactive.
(b) Violations shall have no statute of limitations.

Section 6. Appeals
(1) Players who have the burn tax applied to them can request the DoE Minister or the person
whom they delegate this responsibility to for their money.
(2) The DoE minister must accept this request if the player who requested the appeal no
longer meets the definition of inactive.
(3) The DoE must pay back whatever amount of krunas that was sent to the government
balance after the burn tax was applied to the pruned player within 4 months.
(a) The DoE has the right to pay active players back weekly or monthly over the 4
month period.
(b) The DoE has the right to stop the appeal payments if the player once again meets
the definition of inactive.
(c) The DoE has the right to pay the full or remaining amount back to the active
player at any point and time.
(d) The player has the right to bring the matter before a court of law to adjudicate the
matter for a lawful reason.

Section 7. Statute of Limitations
(1) There shall be no limitation on appeals to the DoE nor to adjudicate the matter before a
court of law.

Section 8. Unaffected by Illegalization of Ex Post Facto
(1) All New and Old cases shall be grandfathered in and allow players to appeal to the DoE.

Section 9. Acknowledgements
This bill was authored by Matthew100x at the suggestion of Matty707 and other active members
in the community.


Special Advisor

The following bill has only received three votes and has not got a majority as stated within The Constitution, Subsection 4 PoL C; (C) Voting will close after 24 hours have passed, or at the Speaker of Parliament’s discretion. In order for a bill to pass, the majority support of sitting Members of Parliament is required. If the bill fails to achieve this majority, it will be rejected.