Bill: Rejected The Public Veto Act

Members of Parliament to cast votes for the bill.

  • Nay

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Abstain

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Speaker of the Parliament of the Stratham Republic
Speaker of the Parliament
Member of Parliament
Department of Economy
Department of Public Affairs
Speaker of Parliament
Public Veto Act


allow the Public to veto bills passed by Parliament with a minimum of 20 signatures.

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title
  1. This Act is the Public Veto Act.
Section 2. Commencement
  1. This Act shall come into effect immediately upon passage.
Section 3. Reasoning
  1. The purpose of this Act is to allow the Public to have a greater say in the legislative process and to provide an additional mechanism for feedback and input into bills.
Section 4. Public Veto
  1. Any bill passed by Parliament can be vetoed by the Public with a minimum of 20 valid signatures.
  2. For a signature to be valid, the signee must have a minimum /seen of one month or /bcseen of 5 hours.
  3. After 5 valid signatures have been collected on the forums, the Minister of State along with the Department of State (DoS) will post a government announcement on Discord initiating a public referendum.
  4. The public referendum will require 20 or more ayes with a 2/3 majority to pass and veto the bill.
  5. The Minister of State will announce the override as successful or unsuccessful after the week has passed.
  6. The Public Veto will be above the Parliament and Prime Minister, but the Server Owner can still override it after the public veto.
  7. The Public will have 1 week starting from when the public referendum started to gather all the signatures required to veto a bill, after which the veto will fail.
  8. The Public Veto can only be used within 1 month after a bill has been signed into law.
Section 5. Repeal of Conflicting Legislation
  1. Any previous legislation that conflicts with this Act is hereby repealed.
Authored by MegaMinerM on behalf of the Committee of Union & Reform.