Vetoed The Tenants and Landlords Rights Act v.2

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I am a fat whale.
Speaker of the Parliament
Member of Parliament
Department of Internal Development
Department of State
Department of Justice
Department of Public Affairs
Speaker of Parliament
The Tenants and Landlords Rights Act v.2


Protect and enhance the interests and rights of tenants and landlords, updating previous provisions to address emerging concerns.

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title

(1) This Act is titled The Tenants and Landlords Rights Act v.2.

Section 2. Commencement

(1) All provisions of this Act shall come into effect upon signage of the bill.
(2) Citizens will have one week (7 days) to rectify any breaches of this Act once it has been signed.

Section 3. Purpose and Updates

(1) This Act aims to reinforce and expand upon the protections afforded to tenants and landlords under the previous legislation, ensuring continued fairness and clarity.
(2) Updates in this version address issues identified since the implementation of the original Act, including but not limited to:
(a) Clarification of apartment standards and tenant restrictions.
(b) Introduction of new enforcement mechanisms.

Section 4. Responsibilities of the Landlord

(1) A landlord is defined as any individual or entity that owns and manages property containing rental regions.

(2) To enforce rules in a court of law, landlords must adhere to the following guidelines:
(a) All rules must be posted in a publicly visible area accessible to all tenants.
(b) Posted rules must be clear, easily understandable, and visible.
(c) Landlords must provide a 7-day grace period before enforcing any new rules.
(d) Rules must not infringe upon rights afforded by the constitution or any other legislation and must serve a clear and lawful purpose. Unreasonable rules [e.g. all tenants must wear pink on Wednesdays.]

Section 5. Responsibilities of the Tenant

(1) A tenant is defined as any individual or entity that rents a region or is the legal primary resident of a rented region.

(2) Tenants are required to follow all rules posted by the landlord, provided that those rules comply with Section 5, Subsection 2 of this Act.

(3) Tenants are prohibited from having the following in their apartment:
(a) Any farm or agricultural setup intended for commercial gain.
(b) Any type of running liquid, such as water or lava.
(c) Nether portals.
(d) Chest Shops or other commercial trading setups.
(e) Any brewing equipment, including but not limited to brewing barrels and cauldrons, if used for commercial gain.

(4) Tenants may keep domesticated animals such as dogs, cats, and parrots in their apartment, unless otherwise restricted by rules that comply with Section 5, Subsection 2 of this Act.

Section 6. Enforcement and Penalties

(1) The enforcement of the provisions of this Act shall be the responsibility of Property Inspectors.

(2) Landlords found in violation of this Act will receive a 14-day notice to rectify the issue before penalties are imposed.

(3) Penalties for violations of Apartment Standards are as follows:
(a) First Offense: 100kr fine.
(b) Second Offense: 150kr fine.
(c) Third Offense: 300kr fine.

(4) Any theft will be classed, class 2 misdemeanor.
(a) The landlord may pursue legal action to recover the value of the stolen or removed items.

(5) Landlords may enforce rules set forth in accordance with this Act through legal proceedings. Rules posted on the rules board may include reasonable fees for violations, provided they comply with the guidelines established in this Act.

Authored by Netpex and violetunkown on behalf of themselves (original author). Amendments by Selmbab.
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