Bill: Rejected The Town Compromise Bill

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The Town Compromise Bill


Define Municipal Processes

The Parliament of the Republic of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title

(1) This Act may be cited as "The Town Compromise bill”

Section 2. Commencement

(1) This bill shall be enacted upon its passage and signature

Section 3. Reasoning

(1)This is a compromise on how towns should be created and helped by the DoS, Lennonrissi, and Ted

Section 4. Municipalities
(1)All towns that got removed by The town reformation act will be reverted to their town status
(A) Those towns being:
Palm Bay
Ocean City
(B) The previous cities of lexford, etc, will bypass the usual process for the creation of a town and only require the PM to determine these cities physical jurisdiction

Section 5. Support
(1)Towns will receive extra support with grants and expansions

(A) Grants will be given to towns that get approved by the DoE minister and will be allowed to get up to a 90,000 kr grant allowed to be applied every month or 30 days
(B) Expansions will be approved by the DoS minister AND DoC minister and will be allowed to claim blocks once every month or 30 days at the price of 2kr per block instead of 7
(C) The mayors will not have to pay for the land or materials that make up government mandated builds such as banks quarry’s or town halls

Section 6. Creation of a Municipality

(1) The creation of a Municipality is accomplished through the following process:
(a) The Prime Minister finds or gets suggested sections of land in the Stratham Republic that are suited for the development of a municipality.
(b) Parliament may override the land selected with a supermajority.
(c) The Speaker of Parliament may recommend land for municipalities.
(1) Parliament decides whether the municipality will be a city or a town.
(b) Once the land is found, the Speaker of Parliament will put out an EOI for the mayorship in which citizens can present their plans for the municipality.
(c) Parliament will then elect a mayor from the EOI with a simple majority. (50% rounded up) if the pm finds the land, if the pm is suggested the land the person who suggested it will be mayor.
(d) Once the Mayor is selected, the land officially is recognized as a municipality, and development can begin.

Section 8. Removal of a Municipality

(1) The removal of a Municipality will follow this process:
(a) If the Mayor does not satisfy any of the municipality requirements, they can be subject to removal.
(b) To remove a municipality, the Parliament will begin by following the VoNC Reform Bill process to remove Government Officials.
(c) To remove a municipality, a supermajority vote of 2/3rds rounding up is required from Parliament.
(2) Once the municipality is removed, the land of the municipality will be taken by the Government. It will then be up to the Prime Minister with how the Government land is handled.
(3) In the event the current mayors of Lexford, Ocean City, Covington, or Palm Bay lose the election to a nonincumbent, they will be entitled to just compensation determined by parliament.
(a) Parliament will form a committee of 5 MPs to determine just compensation.

Section 9. Municipality Governance

(1) The Mayor of a Municipality may choose between the following systems of government which must be included in the Municipality’s Charter, and may not amend or change the system of government without Parliamentary approval;
(a) Mayor-Advisors – The Mayor acts as the Head Executive of the Municipality with veto and executive order authority. Advisors are elected by citizens of the Municipality to Advise on specific subjects and create Municipal policy.
(b) Mayor-Council – The Mayor acts as the Head Executive of the Municipality with veto and executive order authority. Councilors are elected by citizens of the Municipality in at-large districts or specific geographic boundaries.
(c) Mayor-Town Meeting – The Mayor acts as the Head Executive of the Municipality with veto and executive order authority. All citizens of the Municipality meet to decide basic policy of the Municipality.
(2) The Municipality’s Charter must include a provision that allows the Advisors, Council, or Town Meeting to remove the Mayor by a two-thirds majority and the ability to amend the Municipality Charter excluding the system of governance.
(3) The Municipality’s Charter may include a provision that allows for the regular election of the Mayor of the Municipality subject to Parliamentary approval.
(4) The Municipality’s Charter must include a provision that determines the definition of citizenship and should require an official form or application for citizenship.

Section 10. Miscellaneous

(1) It will be illegal for any citizen to mine, grief, or construct within 100 blocks outside a municipality. If the law is violated, citizens will be fined 100 Krunas per offense.
(2) A Mayor can choose to invest their money in expanding their city, which will cost 3.5 krunas per block. If the municipality is removed, the expanded land would also be taken by the Government.
(3) A Mayor can paste in builds from the build world for free, but only projects that the DoS have assigned. Any non-DoS assigned builds can be pasted in following the DoC paste rules.
(4) The Department of State shall conduct monthly audits of each Municipality and shall recommend to Parliament whether each Municipality should continue to hold its status or be placed on probation

Authored by lennonrissi,tedhastings, and Thomas blinders on behalf of the DoS and the people