Bill: Rejected The Witness Protection Act

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Member of Parliament
Member of Parliament
Department of Economy
Witness Protection Act


Ensure the safety and wellbeing of citizens appearing in court as a witness.

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title

(1) This Act is the Witness Protection Act

Section 2. Commencement

(1) All provisions will come into effect upon signage.

Section 3. Reasoning

(1) There is currently no law that protects witnesses from the backlash/retaliation of appearing on the stand to testify.

(2) This act will provide a legal way to ensure that witnesses do not face any retaliation for appearing on the stand.

Section 4. Insurance Of The Witness Protection

(1) A police officer will be stationed near the witness stand to ensure the protection of the witness during a trial.

(2) Witnesses can not be charged for taking the stand and speaking out against the offender.

(3) The party the witness is testifying against can not contact the witness in order to attempt to make them change their statement or remove themselves as a witness. Doing so will result in a Witness Tampering charge to be enforced by the court with substantial evidence that the intentions were unethical in addition to all other charges.

(4) Any retaliation after the trial in relation to the case will result in a Retaliating Against A Witness charge to be enforced by the courts with substantial evidence of the retaliation being in relation to the case in addition to all other charges.

(5) The witness is to leave the courthouse separately from the party the witness is testifying against while being escorted by a police officer.

Section 4. Definitions & Punishments

(1) Case Period shall be defined as "The time span of which a case is requested to the time in which the trial ends."

(2) Witness Tampering shall be defined as "Attempting to make a witness change their statement or remove themselves from the case via any means, such as persuasion, threats, or blackmail."

(a) First Offense, Arrested for 5 minutes and a kr300 fine.

(b) Second Offense, Arrested for 10 minutes and akr500 fine.

(c) Third Offense, Arrested for 15 minutes and a kr750 fine.

(d) Every offense after the third offense will result in a 15 minute arrest and an additional kr500 per offense. Example: Third offense, kr750, fourth offense, kr1250, fifth offense, kr1750.

(3) Retaliating against A Witness will be defined as "Retaliating in any harmful manner towards a witness due to relation within a previous case."

(a) First Offense, kr100 fine.

(b) Second Offense, kr250 fine.

(c) Third Offense, kr500 fine.

(d) Any offense after the third will result in an additional kr300 being added to the total fine per offense. Example: Third offense, kr500 fine, fourth offense, kr800 fine, fifth offense, kr1100 fine.

Authorized by XinmjirGamingHQ on behalf of themselves.