In-game name: Tippytaps230
- Time-Zone (optional): GMT
- Age (optional): 23
- Date joined server: 6 Dec 2021
- Current playtime: 5 weeks and some
- Why you want this job: Having been the DoA minister twice and ranger for the majority of my time on BC i feel that this experience speaks for itself. I enjoy cleaning up the wild, educating others about the department and generally helping out and giving ideas. I have now dealt with the IRL issues that prevented me from playing previously has now been resolved and i look forward to hopefully rejoining the DoA with full force
I am planning on running for DOA minster but even if I dont get the votes i would love to become a ranger once more.
- Time-Zone (optional): GMT
- Age (optional): 23
- Date joined server: 6 Dec 2021
- Current playtime: 5 weeks and some
- Why you want this job: Having been the DoA minister twice and ranger for the majority of my time on BC i feel that this experience speaks for itself. I enjoy cleaning up the wild, educating others about the department and generally helping out and giving ideas. I have now dealt with the IRL issues that prevented me from playing previously has now been resolved and i look forward to hopefully rejoining the DoA with full force
I am planning on running for DOA minster but even if I dont get the votes i would love to become a ranger once more.