Denied Tippytaps230 Application for Ranger


Staff member
- In-game name: TippyTaps230
- Age: 22
- Date joined server: 6 Dec 2021
- Current playtime: 4w 1d and some change
- Why you want this job: When I first applied for the DoA, I knew very little other than the basics. I knew i wanted to help clear up the wild to make it more welcoming for new and old players. I wanted people to be as inspired as when they first opened up a new world.
Nearly a year on, I still want those same things for the server but I have also widened my view on what can be achieved through this department. I want to encourage people to adopt animals, give the cats and dogs personailities, help renew the animal shelter and bring new life to the department. I want to bring the ideas i wanted to action before I had to step down as minister and from the department and, with the senior team and the Ministers consent, like to involved DoPA with some of these ideas.
I want to start group clean ups, so big projects can be tackled as a group, making them less demanding and more fun to complete.
Most of all i want to be back in my favourite department, what can i say? I miss the department of dirt :)

- Additional Information:
I am more active now than i was before in case that was a worry and the activity level will only continue to rise


Staff member
Executive Office
Department of Internal Development
Special Advisor


Sorry, your application for Ranger has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


Unfortunately we are not looking for any more rangers, thank you for your application and you may reapply in 30 days.
