Pending TokyoSAP’s Application for Tour Guide


Minister of Economy
Minister of Economy
Department of Economy
Department of Justice
Economy Minister
- What‘s your in-game name? TokyoSAP
- When did you join the server for the first time? January 2024
- What is your current playtime? 3d 5hr ish
- Why would you like to be a Tour Guide? I enjoy interacting with people - was DoPA before but left because workload in other departments and irl stuff made it very hard to work on events. So now that I can just be a Tour Guide I’ll def take it.
- What you can bring to the Department?
I mean, I’m *sorta* friendly plus I’m constantly on discord so if players request a tour I can hop on quite quickly - I’m also acclimated to the department already so that’s a +.

Question: can i hv my baby panda back it was in my DoPA office