Update on my life


It never has been any better i let all my anger out to my mother now were both far like i said i need something to let my madness out but now my family is falling apart i told my mom what i feel what actually been happening and now shes mad this is why i have no religion i never ask for this life but yet im getting tortured by my dad that knows nothing my mom is not bad or evil no one is and now im considered disrespectful and going to hell cause of talking to my own mother that way my life is getting near and i just waiting for my moment to commit suicide the only reason im still here cause i havent give up i always wanted to kill myself but seeing my family my parent do everything i just cant i really wish i never exist


Your Friendly Neighborhood Trash Panda
Executive Office
Department of Public Affairs
Special Advisor
If you mean that your Dad is like, actually factually torturing you, that's abuse and that's not okay, and you need to tell an adult that you trust posthaste. If you have a school counselor or a teacher that you have a good rapport with, reach out to them and let them know what's going on.
Parents are meant to be loving and supportive, but they're also human, and that means sometimes they get pushed past their limits, fail, or don't know how to respond. It may feel like the state you're in is hopeless and inescapable, but you are a strong young man and you can survive this. If you're too scared to talk to someone face-to-face, please use one of the helplines in that site I linked. (also, if it feels like it's just too much to handle to pick one, I'll link one of the biggest ones in the US below, not sure if you're here or not)