Pending violetunknown's build request | 35-seaview-drive


Your Friendly Neighborhood Trash Panda
Deputy Prime Minister
Department of Public Affairs
Deputy Prime Minister
- In-game name: violetunknown
- Full Discord username: jpschaubiscool
- Plot number: 35 Seaview Drive
- Coordinates: -162, 0, 2270
- Are materials provided? (yes/no): to a limited degree?
- Description of build (please be as detailed as possible): My very ugly tower needs a glow-up. The frog statue and small pond are necessities (his name is Jeremy, I'd like him as-is, but the pond can change as much as you like) and I'd like a few blocks of grass around the outside of the build. The bottom floor should have a little courtyard in it with a fountain as well as a wall for a building directory, and if possible I'd like for the second floor to have a hole in the middle that peeks to the courtyard below. Somewhere in the building, there also needs to be space for some individual offices, a medium-sized kitchen, a library, and a meeting room / larger office for me. As for style/materials, I don't have a lot of constraints, but as cozy-adjacent as you can make it in the modern style and on the cheaper side of materials would be nice.
Edit: I forgot to include that some sort of parlor/stage/whatever to host events would be very nice, but by no means necessary.
Second Edit because I can't remember things to save my life: Another thing that would be nice but definitely unnecessary is a show-room/museum-style floor for the Croc Museum >:D
- Reference image(s) of build: Attached are both images of what is currently in the tower (the frog is a must, everything else is just so you can get an idea of utility) and some vague inspo for the new one (I don't care if it looks anything like that. As long as it isn't a soulless lump it's an improvement)


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