Accepted Visionary Consulting Partners LLC | Start-Up Company Grant

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- In-game Name: ChocolateBobo
-Discord name: chocolatebobo.ds
- Business Name: Visionary Consulting Partners
- Business Registration Link:
- Join Date: July 12
- Current Playtime: 12+ Hrs
- Current Balance: 11,0
- Requested Amount: KR 12,500
- Detailed Business Plan: We plan on using the grant to hire qualified employees - having proven experience in Stratham’s economy. This will require around 5500kr per month for three employees. We will then use 1500kr to commission advertisements from artists and designers. The remaining 5500kr will be used on partnerships with various companies, e.g. Weptoolz, Brighton, Intercontinental, etc, and sponsoring private events.
- Picture of Plot (If needed): N/A
- Additional Information: N/A


Minister of Economy
Minister of Economy
Department of Economy
Department of Justice
Economy Minister
Hi, I noticed you applied for 12,500 Krunas but your business plan only utilised 10,000 Krunas. Could you either elaborate on what the remaining 2500 Krunas are going to be used for or change to 10k?
Hi there!
Change of plans, we will only be utilizing 10,000kr. We will use 3,000kr on employees, 1,500kr on marketing, and 5,500kr on partnerships.


Minister of Economy
Minister of Economy
Department of Economy
Department of Justice
Economy Minister


Congratulations, ChocolateBobo ! Your application for Business Grant has been accepted.

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