Denied Walkingpanda111's Application to be a Constructor :D


Department of Economy
Department of Economy
- In-game name: walkingpanda111
- Age: 13
- Date joined server: March 28th, 2022
- Current playtime: 2w 6h 50m
- Why do you want to be a Constructor: I wish to be a constructor because I have spent many hours on this server and discovered some exceptionally amazing builds. I have always wanted to contribute to the constructor department, I have sent in many applications which have all been denied. However, I am now trying again and hopefully, it will get accepted this time!

- What can you bring to the Department: I can bring lots of fresh ideas ranging from skyscrapers to boats and planes. I am always open to suggestions considering I am not that good of a constructor. I have applied here to learn and widen my understanding of construction and building big projects! I am also here to make friends and expand my relationship. I think I am quite a social person and have a pretty neat personality. I have also owned many properties increasing my knowledge even more about construction!

- Images of your builds (use or similar, NO SHADERS):


Staff member
Minister of Public Affairs
Minister of Internal Development
Department of Agriculture
Department of Internal Development
Department of Public Affairs
Department of Construction
Mayor of Ocean City
Public Affairs Minister


Sorry, your application for Constructor has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


I feel you are not ready for Constructor. Construction Intern might be a better position for you to start in however, I would like to see some more builds as you listed a fair few you can do, i.e. skyscraper, boats, planes, etc. Feel free to make another application once you have some more to show in your build portfolio. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
