Denied wiesgies's application for ranger


- In-game name:wiesgies
- Age:13
- Date joined server:Aug 6 2021
- Current playtime:10d 19h and 45m
- Why you want this job: I like to be a landscaper but i can't use the commands that are handy like fly and can't use the storage so it takes more time and afort i have no problem with that but it would be nice if i could use those things. I like seeing a part of the world.
- Additional Information:Thank you for reading my application.

With friendly regarts wiesgies


Staff member
Executive Office
Department of Internal Development
Special Advisor


Sorry, your application for Ranger has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


We don't feel you are ready for this position. We would like to see more detail as to why you would like this position. Feel free to apply again in 30 days, and DM me if you have any questions
