Important Wills and Final Testimony Official


Prime Minister
Prime Minister
Minister of Economy
Department of Internal Development
Department of Public Affairs
Prime Minister
A will is a players last Testimony when leaving the server on their own will, under rules if they were banned a will cannot be transcribed.

Failure to have this submitted by a lawyer/spokesman will invalidate a will, the lawyer/spokesman may submit it in the Courts!

The following is the Format for writing a will: (The bill this relates to is here )

Will Of
[Name of Testator]


Legal commitment: I [Executors name], do pledge to faithfully execute the orders of this will with the powers granted to me by the testator [name of person will]

I [Testator], Give power to [name of executor] to carry out my last wishes as per this will to all listed and mentioned within his document.

Formal Listing:

In numbered format the Testator will note all belonging and property they wish to leave, this will strictly just be the contents of what is owned and being transferred post execution of the will i.e

1. My Suburban plot
2. My complete financial holding [all money to be given]
3. My chest

Final Declaration of [name of testator]

I [name of testator], do bequeath to [name of person you intend to leave possession to] my [item/money/property/etc] [If multiple items etc just list accordingly within the same text]