Lawsuit: Adjourned WolfenGamer vs fireshock549

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  • It has happened on the company farm in the farming district.
  • I have proof he admitted it there.
  • Other notes: I give all my staff a stern warning that any stolen items from the company will get them sued it is even in my discord server here. Read the rules to see all the rules I set up for them. Also what he stole is in the thread.
  • Note that if my case is poorly written and you want more proof contact me at WolfenGamer#6666 on discord or message me on the game.
  • Update: He just trespassed into my land, he had no permission and my doors were unlocked but it is because it is not my doors it is the old owner's doors, here is some proof of him admitting it.
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@fireshock549 is hereby summoned to the court to acknowledge the case. If the Defendant, @fireshock549, does not acknowledge the case as a reply in 2 days, the case will close in the Plaintiff's favor.

Court is in Session

This case is presided by Judge ferre007_ Bear in mind to not reply to court cases unless summoned by the Judge!

I task the DoJ @bharatj with contacting and informing the Defendant about this court case.
It seems like the Defendant does not have a forums account at the present moment so the DoJ will have to contact the Defendant using other methods.

I would like to remind all parties involved about the Honesty in Court Law.

Thank you.


All that because he trespassed and tries to steal an expensive item, he might have stolen more items so I will have to check.


Also, he is saying in the game that he did not steal and I agree with that but he attempted robbery twice, once with a lava bucket and I thought if I tell him not to he will be good but then he did it again with an ender pearl.
Sorry if this sound weird I am 9 and join minecraft yesterday but i did nottry and steal a lava bucket i dont like lava and that i try to use ender pearl because the field was big and need get around faster since i was weak from thirst to crop whitch was my job by him but then he said it was his he try to sell so i give back. he said he would sue since i tried to steal whitch i did not, i just wanted to use it, but i didnt mean to steal it i thought i was aloud to, then he said i trespassed, when the door was unlocked and there was no sign to say not to,so i went in to return the wheat and seeds i forgot to. well their is my side! and im sorry for not asking before i attempted to use it and hope to forgive me thanks bye :D


And if I go to your house and take your computer and say "I wanted to use it" would you let me use it or would you do the exact same thing as I am doing?
I am being honest with all I said I dont want your filthy lava bucket, i didnt even know about a lava bucket until now, and i would let you use it because i am nice



The Defendant has stolen items from the plaintiff and has admitted their guilt.

Thanks to the evidence provided and also the defendant's testimony I have reached a verdict.

I hereby rule the Defendant @firestock459 as Guilty for stealing items from the plaintiff on private property.

The Department of Justice, @bharatj will be tasked with the act of collecting the fine of 100 krunas requested by the plaintiff.
This court case is now adjourned

Court Adjourned

This case was presided by Judge ferre007_

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