Tsuki - A new city, a new future, a new hope. Welcome to the future of BC

Opinions? (Please note that your answers will help shape Tsuki!)

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My city was unofficial before it was cool... Also, I hope you know how expensive and time-consuming something like this is going to be. You also should know that I've been trying to make my town official for years and it has always come down to the fact that there are already too many towns and cities for how small the current population is.
Doesn't your town have no buildings?


I would like to say to everyone that we will succeed where others fail. Many of the cities are dead and the majority of players live in capital. Tsuki will be the "other" capital. Tsuki will have all the same needs as the capital with the same (Hopefully) amount of people. I'm confident this will happen because the cheap, nice, and easy-going city will be the capital yet nicer and without lag. Furthering my point, we plan on making Tsuki as appealing to the eye as possible. Tsuki is going to be built like tokyo, with bright colors and beautiful shops. Though many do not have faith, I will not waste my time trying to convince people. If you do not have any faith is Tsuki, I understand. However, I will not rest until Tsuki is an official city,


The discord isnt ready yet, when it is im going to get it approved and put it in #business-advertisements on the disc
First off, unofficial cities and towns cannot have approved discords, Blackwater and Warp 3 had their approved status removed.

I would like to say to everyone that we will succeed where others fail. Many of the cities are dead and the majority of players live in capital. Tsuki will be the "other" capital. Tsuki will have all the same needs as the capital with the same (Hopefully) amount of people. I'm confident this will happen because the cheap, nice, and easy-going city will be the capital yet nicer and without lag. Furthering my point, we plan on making Tsuki as appealing to the eye as possible. Tsuki is going to be built like tokyo, with bright colors and beautiful shops. Though many do not have faith, I will not waste my time trying to convince people. If you do not have any faith is Tsuki, I understand. However, I will not rest until Tsuki is an official city,

Second, there are other unofficial cities that haven't failed (and exist). Also promising no lag is something out of your control.

Edit: Also you said that all cities were just the capital with minor changes but you talk about becoming the second capital?
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First off, unofficial cities and towns cannot have approved discords, Blackwater and Warp 3 had their approved status removed.

Second, there are other unofficial cities that haven't failed (and exist). Also promising no lag is something out of your control.

Edit: Also you said that all cities were just the capital with minor changes but you talk about becoming the second capital?

1. I was not aware of that, sorry.

2. Capital is laggy due to all the plugins, however a new city with only bus plugins would be far less laggy.

3. I should have said that differently, sorry. I meant playerbase wise. I should have said "No 2 City." (Or maybe, if were lucky, the "No 1 City")


Entities include item frames, armor stands, maps, animals, cars, minecarts, literally anything moving.
Welp, I doubt there will be any item frames, armor stands, animals, cars, and minecarts. So only players would be an issue.


Welp, I doubt there will be any item frames, armor stands, animals, cars, and minecarts. So only players would be an issue.
Don't you think that for the Zoo you said you wanted to make you'd need animals?


Hey vujix please look at my discord suggestion, don’t know if you saw it but if you could leave me a dm on discord, that would be great.



A Used To Be Fun Member
Projects like Matty's giant hole and Blackwater have more than 1 person putting in effort, do you plan on hiring a team? The last 4 new city projects have come to screeching halts.
He’s not wrong, not only did I spend nearly 25-30k on mine, it’s no where near either of those. It takes a lot of time and effort to make a city like that. I had ambitions like those but I couldn’t ever reach where I wanted to go. And if you knew me on the server when I was still there, I was an ambitious person. So Idk how I feel about such an ambitious city tbh...


I will not rest until Tsuki is an official city,

He’s not wrong, not only did I spend nearly 25-30k on mine, it’s no where near either of those. It takes a lot of time and effort to make a city like that. I had ambitions like those but I couldn’t ever reach where I wanted to go. And if you knew me on the server when I was still there, I was an ambitious person. So Idk how I feel about such an ambitious city tbh...


Staff member
Department of Internal Development
Department of State
Department of Economy
Cool Idea but your gonna need a lot of money if you claim for 7kr a block, and the government will not be selling land anytime soon.


Veteran Player
Welp, I doubt there will be any item frames, armor stands, animals, cars, and minecarts. So only players would be an issue.

well with item frams, they are normaly used in malls. CMM acttly was causeing so much lag that they had to limt each shop with the amount of items frams they can use.

Also what Vroomba was refreceing was this message I think

"Vuji you should help out with Palm Bay. we can maybe have a Tsuki district but you’d have a lot better chances at making what you want a reality if you incorporate it into an already existing city"