Answered / Added 1.13 Discussion


- Username: kcolyz
- Suggestion Title: What to do with 1.13
- Elaborate (Why do you think it should be added, how will it improve the server, etc.):
Once all the plugins (and optifine) are updated to 1.13, we have a dilemma. Should we update to 1.13? In my opinion, the world we are playing on right now is 1.12, and the entire minecraft world up to the world boundary is procedurally generated right when the world is created, in the version it was created on. We've updated to 1.10 - 1.12, why isn't 1.13 the same? 1.13 adds in an entire change to biomes, new blocks, new mobs, all naturally spawning. We wouldn't have all the kelp, coral, and better oceans unless it's a 1.13 world. I've had very conflicting conversations on others, not wiping the world and starting anew, not other things. I think the current world should stay 1.12, and instead we also have a new world in 1.13, players can travel between the two worlds, but not transfer items/levels/other things between them. 1.13 would be a new start, a 1.13 world, new items, and equality of all the player base on that world. (PS we could also copy the Capital City) over seeing as it's already on a flat area.
- Does this require the installation of a new plugin (Yes/No): Possibly, multiple worlds and different inventories for the two.
- If you answered Yes on the previous question, please link the plugin (Leave blank if you answered No):

- Additional Information:n/a


Considering 1.13 adds new stuff it doesn’t mean you have to use it. Plus, with ViaVersion or whatever the plugin we use is to allow multiple versions on at once won’t allow 1.13 since everyone has to be with the same version for it to work.

I don’t know about your idea with two worlds however it seems kinda complicated


Staff member
We will not be resetting our world.
Players with 1.13 clients are able to play on the server currently. There might be some bugs so I don't recommend they do, but there's an option either way.
Once all plugins are compatible with the new version, we will upgrade.