Bill: Accepted 1st Amendment


Department of State
Department of State
1st Amendment


Amend the Constitution

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title

(1) This Act is the 1st Amendment.

Section 2. Commencement

(1) All provisions shall come into effect upon signage.

Section 3. Reasoning

(1) Currently, the PM can fire the DPM which doesn’t make sense because they are a duly elected official.

(2) Judges are confirmed by Parliament and not elected, so it does not make sense to have to go through the full process of impeachment when they are answerable only to Parliament and not the people.

(3) The Constitution currently only protects against running in a domestic election, while serving in a foreign nation.

(4) The current Constitution requires a Judge to administer the oath of office, this is an issue if there are no judges.

Section 4. Article 1 Amendments

(1) Amend Section 1.1(c) from "The Prime Minister shall chair all cabinet meetings. The Prime Minister shall nominate individuals to the Ministerial positions within the Cabinet, and may remove members of the Cabinet at their discretion."


“The Prime Minister shall chair all cabinet meetings.”

(2) Amend Section 1.3 The Cabinet from

"1.3(a) The Cabinet of the Republic of Stratham consists of the Deputy Prime Minister, Ministers of the Executive Departments, Attorney General, and other executive officers when deemed necessary. Ministers head their respective Departments and answer to the Prime Minister. Ministers are nominated by the Prime Minister and derive their power from the Prime Minister. When the Cabinet must hold a vote, should the Deputy Prime Minister hold a ministerial position, they shall receive a single vote in matters.
1.3(b) Ministers have the authority to create, amend, and repeal Departmental policy. Ministers shall appoint and remove members of their Departments at their discretion. Ministers can create, amend, and remove jobs within their departments that are relevant to their portfolio. Ministers shall make no policy which is in contradiction to their powers as defined in the Constitution.
1.3(c) The Departments of the Republic of Stratham are as follows;

  1. Department of State, commonly abbreviated DoS, is responsible for managing foreign affairs, conducting elections, Auditing Departments, and managing city/town relations, and political and news organizations.
  2. Department of Economy, commonly abbreviated DoE, is responsible for the overall performance of the economy, including government shops, jobs and exams, business grants, the fiscal and monetary policies of the government as well as the formation of tax policies.
  3. Department of Justice, commonly abbreviated DoJ, is responsible for maintaining peace and order through the enforcement of the laws under their jurisdiction.
  4. Department of Public Affairs, commonly abbreviated DoPA, is responsible for hosting events, collecting community feedback through polls and surveys, election debates, assisting with the server's social media, and the management of new player tours.
  5. Department of Internal Development, commonly abbreviated DoID, is responsible for the construction of government-approved buildings, roads, and highways and shall have the authority to maintain the overall welfare of the wilderness, in addition to managing the animal shelter and national food service, as well as animal cruelty reports.
1.3(d) Authority of Departments stems from the executive power of the Prime Minister. The authority of departments is included in the section above but is not limited to what is specifically written. Parliament may exercise authority through legislation to delegate or retract additional authorities to departments.
1.3(e) All Ministers are subject to the direct authority and control of the Prime Minister.
1.3(f) Other officers of the executive branch may be invited to be a member of the Cabinet by the Prime Minister with majority consent of the Parliament."


1.3(a) The Cabinet of the Republic of Stratham consists of the Deputy Prime Minister, Ministers of the Executive Departments, and Attorney General when deemed necessary. Ministers head their respective Departments and answer to the Prime Minister. Ministers are nominated by the Prime Minister and derive their power from the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister may dismiss any Member of the Cabinet except the Deputy Prime Minister. When the Cabinet must hold a vote, should the Deputy Prime Minister hold a ministerial position, they shall receive a single vote in matters.
1.3(b) Ministers have the authority to create, amend, and repeal Departmental policy. Ministers shall appoint and remove members of their Departments at their discretion. Ministers can create, amend, and remove jobs within their departments that are relevant to their portfolio. Ministers shall make no policy which is in contradiction to their powers as defined in the Constitution.
1.3(c) The Departments of the Republic of Stratham and their responsibilities are as follows;
1.3(d) Department of State (DoS);

  1. Management of Foreign Affairs.
  2. Conduction of Elections.
  3. Auditing Government Departments, Towns, and Cities, as well as any other government agency.
  4. Managing City and Town Relations.
  5. Managing Political Party and News Company Registrations.
  6. Conduction of Surveys and Polls to collect player feedback to assist with the State of the Government report.
  7. Conducting Election Debates.
1.3(e) Department of Economy (DoE);
  1. Overall performance of the Economy.
  2. Government Shops.
  3. Maintenance of Jobs and Exam Guides.
  4. Business Grants.
  5. Fiscal and Monetary Policies.
  6. Tax Policies.
1.3(f) Department of Justice (DoJ);
  1. Maintaining Peace and Order.
  2. Enforcement of Criminal Laws.
  3. Providing a Security Detail to the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister.
  4. May provide a Security Detail to other Senior Government Officials if directed to do so by the Prime Minister.
1.3(g) Department of Public Affairs (DoPA);
  1. Hosting Events.
  2. Assisting with Server Social Media.
  3. Management of new player tours.
1.3(h) Department of Internal Development (DoID);
  1. Construction of Government Buildings, roads, and highways.
  2. Maintain the overall welfare of the wilderness.
  3. Managing the animal shelter and national food service.
  4. Managing animal cruelty reports.
1.3(i) Authority of Departments stems from the executive power of the Prime Minister. The authority of departments is included in the section above but is not limited to what is specifically written. Parliament may exercise authority through legislation to delegate or retract additional authorities to departments.
1.3(j) All Ministers are subject to the direct authority and control of the Prime Minister.
1.3(k) Other officers of the executive branch may be invited to be a member of the Cabinet by the Prime Minister with majority consent of the Parliament."

Section 5. Article 2 Amendments

(1) Amend Section 2.1 Responsibilities and duties from

"2.1(a) All legislative power is hereby vested in the Parliament of the Republic of Stratham. The Parliament of Stratham shall consist of five Members of Parliament (MPs) who shall be elected for a term of two months.
2.1(b) The Parliament of Stratham shall adopt rules for itself, through a majority vote, to determine the legislative process, establish standing committees, establish a uniform format for legislation, and make provisions for other such rules.
2.1(c) The Parliament shall create and amend legislation and also possess the power to create Constitutional amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Stratham. The Parliament shall vote upon the final version of the legislation or constitutional amendment. All legislation which receives support from the majority of Members of Parliament (3/5) shall be sent to the Prime Minister. All Constitutional amendments which receive support from a supermajority (4/5) shall be sent to the Prime Minister. The Parliament may override the veto of legislation through the support of a supermajority (4/5).
2.1(d) The Parliament when decided by majority vote may pass articles of Impeachment against a constitutional officer.
2.1(e) The Parliament of Stratham shall have the authority to create, amend, and repeal laws on behalf of the people, which fall under the Government’s Jurisdiction and Authority.
2.1(f) Members of Parliament are required to uphold the laws of the institution they serve and Represent the people in a dignified and moral manner.
2.1(g) No Member of Parliament can serve as a constitutional officer in a different branch of government.
2.1(h) The Parliament shall have the power to confirm or reject nominations from the Prime Minister.
2.1(i) The Parliament shall have the authority to override an Executive Order by supermajority vote (4/5).
2.1(j) The Parliament shall have the sole authority to levy taxes upon the people of Stratham.
2.1(k) Parliament shall not engage in any legislative business without a quorum present of at least 3/5 members."


"2.1(a) All legislative power is hereby vested in the Parliament of the Republic of Stratham. The Parliament of Stratham shall consist of five Members of Parliament (MPs) who shall be elected for a term of two months.
2.1(b) The Parliament of Stratham shall adopt rules for itself, through a majority vote, to determine the legislative process, establish standing committees, establish a uniform format for legislation, and make provisions for other such rules.
2.1(c) The Parliament shall create and amend legislation and also possess the power to create Constitutional amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Stratham. The Parliament shall vote upon the final version of the legislation or constitutional amendment. All legislation which receives support from the majority of Members of Parliament shall be sent to the Prime Minister. All Constitutional amendments which receive support from a supermajority shall be sent to the Prime Minister. The Parliament may override the veto of legislation through the support of a supermajority.
2.1(d) The Parliament when decided by majority vote may pass articles of Impeachment against a constitutional officer.
2.1(e) The Parliament of Stratham shall have the authority to create, amend, and repeal laws on behalf of the people, which fall under the Government’s Jurisdiction and Authority.
2.1(f) Members of Parliament are required to uphold the laws of the institution they serve and Represent the people in a dignified and moral manner.
2.1(g) No Member of Parliament can serve as a constitutional officer in a different branch of government.
2.1(h) The Parliament shall have the power to confirm or reject nominations from the Prime Minister.
2.1(i) The Parliament shall have the authority to override an Executive Order by supermajority vote.
2.1(j) The Parliament shall have the sole authority to levy taxes upon the people of Stratham.
2.1(k) The Parliament shall not engage in any legislative business without a quorum present of at least 3/5 members.
2.1(l) The Parliament can appropriate government funds for use by the Executive Government."

Section 6. Article 3 Amendments

(1) Amend Section 3.1(f) from "Officers of the Judiciary serve for life tenure and may be removed through the process of impeachment."


“Officers of the Judiciary serve for life tenure and may be removed by the Parliament through a supermajority vote.

(2) Remove Section 3.4 Appeals

Section 7. Article 7 Amendments

(1) Amend Section 7.3(c) from "No person shall hold any office under the laws of the Republic of Stratham, defined in this constitution or otherwise, without taking an oath of office, administered by a Judge in good standing with the Republic."


No person shall be eligible to serve in office as a Constitutional Officer or Senior Government Official under the laws of the Republic of Stratham while seeking or serving in foreign office concurrently.

(2) Create Section 7.4(e) No person shall hold office as a Constitutional Officer under the laws of the Republic of Stratham without taking the appropriate oath if required by law.

Section 8. Article 8 Amendments

(1) Amend Section 8.1(c) from "Executive Officer - Any high office holder within the executive branch excluding employees of the various departments or offices of government."


Senior Government Official - Any high office holder within the government of Stratham excluding employees of the various departments or offices of government.

(2) Create Section 8.1(h) Majority - A number greater than half the total. In the case of Parliament, that is (3/5) votes.

(3) Create Section 8.1(i) Supermajority - A number that is half the total with an additional vote. In the case of Parliament, that is (4/5) votes.

Authored by Ryan_88 on behalf of the Government.
Last edited:

P. Hunter


This bill has received Prime Ministerial assent and is hereby signed into law.