Accepted _MrFib's Application for City Advisor


- In-game name: _MrFib
- Age (optional): 14
- Date joined server: August 6th, 2020
- Current playtime: 40d 14h
- Why do you want to be a City Advisor: I've already dedicated so much of my time helping other cities and towns grow and I believe with this position I have more opportunities to reach out to mayors and give my thoughts on current matters. I've done my time in many city boards and it's time for me to step up another level. I've been a contributing member of each city and town board that I've been a part of and this position will allow me to project my contributions even further and make each city and town the best version of itself it can be.
- What can you bring to the Department: Closer ties and better communication with the DoC (as I am in the DoC), and I can bring my already healthy relationship with the mayors of the server with me as well. I am friends with/respected by the mayors of this server, and our previous experiences with each other will aid in me doing my job to the best of my ability.
- What does your previous experience with cities include?: Ocean City Staff & Constructor, Lexford Councillor & Constructor, Palm Bay Constructor, Orico Councillor & Constructor, Westridge Constructor (additionally, Blackwater Constructor, Warp 3 Village Councillor/Ex-Owner. Ex-Covington Constructor). Ocean City is a big one for me, I probably spend most of my time on the server in Ocean City. I have built many buildings and have sculpted the skyline of the southern tip of the city. I have been an active member in the OC staff team and have contributed in city laws and planning.
- Additional Information: I will quit all my city and town staff positions if I get this job




Congratulations, Fibby Chan! Your application for City Advisor has been accepted.

Congratz on becoming the second CA ever.