Denied _thealpha4_ - Employment Secretary Application


- Username: _thealpha4_
- Age: 14
- Join Date: 1 month
- Current Playtime: 7d 1h 51m 54s
- When are you most active? I am most active 12:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. est
- Position you're applying for: Secretary of Employment
- Have you read the Job description of the Job you are applying for? Yes.
- Why do you think you are suited to the position you are applying for? I believe I am suited for Secretary of Employment because I am a person easy to work with, I don't take long to get a task done, and I also would love to improve a server I play and like a lot
- Why do you want to work in the position you are applying for? I would like to work at this position because I believe it can set me up for a successful career on the server, be fun, and make new friends.
- Additional Information: I also have and use discord. My discord is thealpha4#5822




Sorry, your application for Employment Sec. has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


Thank you for the application. However, this is not just a position to set up a good career.[/denied
