Denied Actlis's Application for Hospital Secretary


- In-game name: Actlis
- Age: 14 - Born May 3rd
- Date joined server: About a month ago
- Current playtime: I have a playtime of 5 days, 21 minutes, and 33 seconds.
- How long have you been a Doctor: I have been a doctor since April 26, or around 2 weeks.
- Why do you want to be a Hospital Secretary: I would like to be Hospital Secretary so I can help teach other doctors and gain responsibility. I want to be able to provide to the Department of Health and also the community. This would help me gain a sense of management and influence of what I can adapt to.
- What can you bring to the Department: I can bring leadership and activeness to the Department. As you can check, I'm very active on the server as I join at least once a day if I can. I consider myself as a reliable person and able to keep up with job responsibilities. I can also provide accountability for my actions and have integrity for my behavior.
- Additional Information: I would love to be accepted, but if my application is denied, I would like to thank you for your time reading it. All good feelings.


feelin like a champ
Actlis has shown an exceptional work ethic while working for me at my company. I would highly recommend her for this job and any job on this server in general; she is always ready and enthusiastic to help out whenever possible. Actlis complies very well with her duties and is very respectful to all involved.

Good luck!




Sorry, your application for Hospital Secretary has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


The department has come to the conclusion that you're not ready for this position yet. We would've liked to see more elaboration on what you can bring to the department. However, we do believe that you're a good candidate and we highly recommend applying again in the future.
