Answered / Added Ambulance


In case you break your leg or die in the City, you would pass out. This means that you will be stuck in the ground for 100 or 200 seconds until you die. You would then say something like: "HELP! I passed out and I need a Doctor! I'm currently in front of the Post Office!" or you would issue a command that would tell all doctors that you passed out. Then, a Doctor would come to you via his/her Ambulance Car. They would right click and revive you. You would then enter the car and get driven to an area in the hospital where you would get dropped off and healed. An optional thing would be a siren that the Doctors can turn on. There would be particle and sound effects around the Doctor and a message would appear like "Pull over for the Ambulance!" You would only pass out in the city, not in the wild as it's impossible to find and revive people in the wild.


iWizqrd if you only have 10 seconds, and you're at the end of the city. No doc will be able to get to you that fast.


No, after the doc drops you off at the hospital, you can go do whatever you were doing, but when he revives you, you'll still have slowness and will be losing health so it's mandatory to get to the hospital drop off point.