Accepted Anbot139's application for Environment Manager


- In-game name: Anbot139
- Age: 15
- Date joined server: 4/25/19
- Current playtime: 3 days, 9 hours, 30 minutes
- Why do you want to be an Environment Manager: I feel like in a lot of servers I've been to the wild is always messed up. There are no trees, no resources, and a lot of random blocks/griefed areas. I want to help clean up the server and keep it neat. Before I even knew about this job, I would go around planting trees in the wilderness because it was sad to see a barren landscape where other people grabbed all the resources and just left. I want to clean up all the dogs left on the highways and give them a better home at the animal shelter. I will gladly go and clean a place that needs cleaning or do a job that needs to be done. If new players join and their first impression is a griefed wilderness, they will think our server is just like all the others where they don't maintain it. Our server is different because people like me want to go out and help make this server a better place.
- Additional Information: My Discord account is anbot139#5448. Thank you for reviewing my application!


flower girl
Your application has been accepted! Congratulations and welcome to the DoA!