Denied Ayden16081's Application for Hospital Secretary


In-game name:Ayden16081
-Age: 14
-Date joined the server: Over a month ago.
-Current Playtime: 12 days and 12 hours
-How long have you been a Doctor? Never
-Why Do you want to be a Hospital Secretary? All I ever wanted to do was to help people in the best way that I'm able to. I do my best to help out fellow doctors when they need a refresher or 2, to hopefully make their time as a Doctor a lot easier. At first I never thought of being a HS since I never thought that I'd be able to step up to the plate, i feel that I can take the next step and help out with a bigger impact.
-What can you bring to the Department? I would bring my drive and passion of being a Doctor along with experience to being able to handle situations.
-Additional Information: I Appreciate The Time that anyone took out of their day to review my Application!


Microsoft Replay
Staff member
Minister of Health
Department of Internal Development
Department of Health
Health Minister




Sorry, your application for Hospital Secretary has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


First of all, you don't meet the requirements for the Hospital Secretary role because you're not even a Doctor and don't have any experience in the department. Secondly, how do you help out other Doctors if you're not even a Doctor yourself? Third, you can't expect to get a position that's higher up in the department if you have no previous experience or background knowledge of the department itself. Fourth, you've stated, "I would bring my drive and passion of being a Doctor along with experience to being able to handle situations." You previously claimed that you've never been a Doctor, yet you claim to have experience and passion for a job that you don't even have? Lastly, if you're going to apply again in the future, or any other government position for that matter, I highly recommend reading the requirements for the position before applying. I also recommend avoiding anything in your application that could contradict itself. If you have any comments, complaints, or concerns, feel free to contact me via in-game or Discord.
