Blitzblaze41's Election Post (October 2018)


Your username: Blitzblaze41

Your age:

Your activity on the server: I'm am online almost every day, usually in the evenings.

When you joined the server:
I joined BusinessCraft on June 29, 2018, so a little over 3 months.

Why you think you are suited to be a Member of Parliament:
I think I am suited to become a Member of Parliment because of my dedication, kindness, and love for BusinessCraft. When I first joined, I was so excited. I had been searching for a very long time for a server like BC, but I could never manage to find one. When I did, I knew that this was the place I belonged. I had a slow start, but over time I was able to meet so many people and make so many friends. I was able to create lasting memories that I will always have with me.
Because of these friendships and memories, I was able to become a stronger and better person. My love to help others kept on growing, and eventually, I was able to take it to the next step, by becoming a Trial Moderator. I have had a great time helping others sense, and I hope I can continue to make others happy. By becoming a Member of Parliment, I would be able to furthermore support the community and help create new laws and motions that will help BC become a stronger society.

What kind of laws would you vote for/against: I would like to create laws that the community will enjoy, laws that give BC a realistic aspect, and laws that can help BC in a variety of other ways. I believe that all laws created should help the players of BC remain safe and happy.

Thank you for taking a look at my campaign thread! Please feel free to message me if you have any questions, comments, or ideas! :)


Staff member
Department of Justice
Department of Construction
Good Luck Blitz