Government Cabinet Reports [June 2024]


Minister of Internal Development
Minister of Internal Development
Department of Agriculture
Executive Office
Department of Internal Development
Department of Public Affairs
Department of Construction
Mayor of Ocean City
Special Advisor
Dept. of State: Minister Topte

Department Progress
The department finished the election, we ran the census and cabinet approval ratings. We are working on auditing town's new pasted builds.

Upcoming Projects
- Running a Parliament approval ratings poll
- implementing programs to advertise towns and help Mayors

Additional Notes

Dept. of Economy: Minister Ancastal

Department Progress
Last month, the Department of Economy proposed a tax aimed at generating revenue and revitalizing the economy by increasing government contributions to citizens. The objective was to assist players in setting up their shops, purchasing properties, and supporting less fortunate players. However, the proposal was rejected by the cabinet.

Despite this setback, we have continued to track the government's balance closely. After the previous cuts to the Universal Basic Income and government salaries, and with the addition of new furniture shops, we are pleased to report that the government's balance is stable. Yet, our current income equals our expenditures, resulting in no surplus funds available for new initiatives.

This financial equilibrium, while stable, leaves us with no room for error or additional spending. The lack of surplus severely limits our ability to provide the necessary support and investments to stimulate economic growth and assist our citizens.

Upcoming Projects
Given the stringent financial constraints, the Department of Economy cannot provide any help to the citizens. We are therefore focusing on regulatory reforms, in particular related to the private banking sector.

Additional Notes

Dept. of Justice: Minister SpaceSlayer_

Department Progress

The department hired Trainee Officer Saarthigaming as of June 29th, 2024, promoted _Evachu_ to police officer and Spyrolix to Sergeant.

Almost done with the 'Bounty Hunter' script, however, might release the feature without the gui for the time being.
Speaker of parliament PoemHunter is working on updating the laws page so its up to date to not confuse players who are looking for the law.

Upcoming Projects
The request for departmental-issued firearms is still in progress and under review by the admin team, however, the recipes, and stats of the firearms are complete, awaiting the addition from the admin team before requesting the department of economy to add a sell shop for the resources required to manufacture the firearms.

Floofy is working on robbable ATMs that will be located around the map with a cooldown to prevent it from being abused while adding a rp feature for both the cops and players.

Will place a pause on the rp feature of robbing points of interests since its taking more time than expected.

Additional Notes
The Department of Justice is always recruiting new officers! However, applicants are to use the appropriate application format as well as join the Department's discord server. Applications are done on the forums

Dept. of Public Affairs: Minister fluffybaldie

Department Progress

We've had a very exciting month this past Pride Month. The Pride-themed DoPA park introduced many new collectables: a Pride Bird pet that can change its colours to match Pride flags, a variety of Pride flags, banners, and foods, and Pride Boots that give Haste 2!

The Ocean City Pride Pier made a return with new rides for everyone to enjoy at their leisure. The popular Pride Parkour also came back, offering players a difficult challenge to test their parkour skills. Winners of the parkour event will receive a trophy, a custom horn, and 3,000 Krunas in prize money—we loved seeing everyone's pictures in the gallery!

Upcoming Projects
In June, DoPA and the DoID plan to collaborate the construction of a DoPA venue for an official location to host events. Unfortunately, the construction side of the DoID is currently swamped with projects, so we expect the completion of this project to take some time.

We still have plans to bring back an improved and reworked version of Tony the Tour Guide to help our Community Coordinators take new players on tours. It's unclear when this project will be completed amidst many other projects waiting to be completed as well.

Additional Notes
We're always looking for new Community Coordinators to bring some fresh event ideas to the department. Apply for CC if you enjoy hosting fun events for the community and helping new players learn to love BC!

Dept. of Internal Development: Minister Mickichu

Department Progress
Last month I had fully updated the Property Inspector guide. Following from this, I updated the /pimail command - this allows property inspectors to send an automated mail in game to players of a specific region, clearly stating why it is being reported and whether they have 3 days or 2 weeks. This has made pi work more efficient and less chances of mistakes being made.

Since the new Land Law Act and property inspector guide, we have seen an increase in reports being made correctly, and less backlash from players. We make it very clear to players that we are open to extensions due to irl circumstances, etc. This has gotten a lot of positive comments and people being open to asking without feeling shamed/berated for not being able to keep up with activity requirements at times. My Senior PI, 9402, has been a massive help in making this happen!

This month, we took a small break from Government build requests to focus on a lot of player build requests, as we saw a huge increase in those requests. Whilst doing this, I have been able to delegate jobs to (more confident) constructors, whilst working closely with interns and constructors that would like to learn more and build their confidence. My Senior Constructor (DemonWolf_101) and I have smashed through these, along with the team and have gotten good training done.

With all the build and paste requests, our city is looking full and vibrant.

With the Agriculture side not being as strong as the other side of the department, I decided to scout out players I felt would be fit for Ranger. I contacted these players and explained the job. They loved that I had contacted them as they were nervous to join. After having spoken with me, they applied.

Upcoming Projects
Updating discord channels to reduce the number of channels (only the Minister and Seniors can see the masses amount of channels).

Requesting some bills from Parliament and working with them.

Updating Animal Rights.

Adding shelters to the Wild Warps so that Rangers can take pets there - as you cannot tp pets to and from the Wild to the City.

Completing Ranger projects.

More PI updates.

More builds :>

Additional Notes
We are in need of Rangers!! If you have an interest in the Wild and showing the beauty of nature, join the DoID and apply for Ranger. You will receive tools to help with the job, a cool office and materials. The pay is also good ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚

Dept. of Health: Minister Windows_Dog

Department Progress
During the past month, the department has gone through many internal changes:
⦿ I have worked with the DoID Minister (Mickichu) in updating the DoH Discord server. The following changes made were:
- Removing inactive/redundant discord channels
- Updating colours to be more inclined with the department seals
⦿ We have also decided to change Hospital Secretaries to Health Secretaries
⦿ We have also started to update a few guides and work on a new training one

Upcoming Projects
The health plugin has been updated recently and I will be working with the Prime Minister and the Health Secretaries in rolling out the update for doctors and citizens.

Additional Notes
Thank you once again to Mickichu for the DoH Discord cleanup!
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