Rescinded Capital Property Laws Act v.2

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Deputy Speaker of Parliament
Capital Property Laws Act v.2

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title

(1) This Act is the Capital Property Laws Act v.2.

Section 2. Commencement

(1) All provisions shall come into effect upon signage.
(2) Capital Property Laws Act is hereby rescinded.
(3) Citizens will have 1 week to rectify any breaches of this act once it has been signed.

Section 3. Purpose and Reasoning

(1) To update the previous Capital Property Laws Act in accordance with changes made in the DoID.
(a) To revisit provisions of this bill which needed amending, in order to have more consistency in the restrictions regarding all the plots and districts within the City.
(2) The old Act did not match with current position names in DoID which caused confusion and inconsistency.

Section 4. Capital City Suburbs/Mansion District Regulation

(1) The Suburbs/Mansion District is a residential area for the players of Stratham.
(2) Plots/regions are created for the sole purpose of housing.
(3) No plots can be merged in any capacity.
(4) No citizen may own more than a single Suburb/Mansion plot.
(5) All block/blocks relating to the plot owned by the citizen must fall within the boundaries of the owned plot.
(a) Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the Minister of Internal Development.
(6) The Department of Internal Development is tasked with distributing and assigning areas within the Suburbs/Mansion District for residential use.
(7) No citizen may use a Suburbs/Mansion plot for commercial purposes.
(a) Commercial purposes are defined as usage for financial gain or the operation of a business entity.
(8) No citizen may own a Capital City Suburbs/Mansion District plot while failing to maintain a seen date of 29 days or less.

Section 5. Capital City Regulation

(1) The Prime Minister shall have the power to set height limits and themes for buildings within districts.
(a) This will be made in consultation with the Internal Development Minister.
(2) The Prime Minister shall have the power to create, amend, and remove districts from the Capital City.
(a) The Prime Minister may not remove districts that are specifically mentioned in this bill.
(b) This will be made in consultation with the Internal Development Minister.
(3) The Prime Minister shall set the borders and locations where a district is defined.
(a) This will be made in consultation with the Internal Development Minister.
(4) Buildings made for residential purposes may not be created in the Capital City except in the case of an apartment building.
(5) Owning a building that is an eye-sore is not allowed in the Capital City.
(a) An eye sore is anything that is generally considered to be an unpleasant sight.
(b) If the majority of the employees within the Department of Internal Development concur that a building is an eye-sore, it shall be considered as one.
(6) No citizen shall own plot(s) within the Capital City while failing to maintain a 6-hour active playtime.
(a) This shall not apply to the Suburbs/Mansion District of the Capital City.
(7) Citizens can be evicted from rental regions when the landlord notifies a Property Inspector of their intention to evict.
(a) The renter will receive a 3-day notice before eviction.
(8) The Prime Minister may prohibit or allow the modification of prebuilt buildings within the Districts of the Capital City.
(a) This will be made in consultation with the Internal Development Minister.
(9) Citizens who fail to make progress on their plot anywhere in the Capital City will be subject to eviction.
(10) The theme of all buildings in the Capital City must be generally considered modern.
(11) The creation of farms within the Capital City is prohibited.

Section 6. Industrial District Regulation

(1) Citizens may not own more than one Industrial District plot.
(2) Warehouses are government-owned rentable storage and work areas within the Industrial District.
(a) Citizens may not alter the premade structure of the warehouses within the Industrial District.

Section 7. Farming District Regulation

(1) The Department of Internal Development will be responsible for enforcing these regulations in the Farming District through the employment of Property Inspectors.
(2) Farming District plots that are left in an unnatural state after the end of a rental period shall be cleaned up by Environmental Managers.
(3) Citizens may not own ranch plots if their /seen date is 1 month or longer.
(4) Citizens may only use plots here for farming crops or livestock.
(5) Citizens may only rent out 2 farm plots, not including ranches or bee plots.
(6) Citizens may only buy 1 ranch plot, and rent 1 bee plot.
(7) Violation of any of the rules under this section will be subject to immediate eviction by Property Inspectors.

Section 8. Eviction Enforcement

(1) The Department of Internal Development shall be responsible for ensuring the process of eviction through the employment of Property Inspectors.
(2) Property Inspectors are empowered to inspect the land to ensure a player isn't in breach of this act.
(a) A Property Inspector may not abuse this right at all, otherwise they may face dismissal or prosecution.
(3) A month shall be defined as 30 days under the provisions of this bill.
(a) The seen date plugin shall display 30 days as “1 month”.
(4) Property Inspectors shall receive compensation after the eviction of a plot.

Section 9. Eviction Process

(1) Evictions shall be split in two categories:
(a) Inactivity
(b) Non-Compliance
(2) Inactivity evictions relate to active playtime or seen date requirements.
(3) Non-compliance evictions relate to things such as eye-sores, owning plots over the limit, lack of progress, misuse of a plot, violating district rules, and any other violations of this act.
(4) Citizens who violate Non-compliance eviction rules in the Capital City shall be subject to eviction.
(a) Citizens will be given a 14-day notice to rectify the problems before eviction.
(b) Citizens must notify the Department of Internal Development that they have rectified the problem.
(5) Citizens who violate the Inactivity eviction rules in the Capital City shall be subject to eviction.
(a) Citizens will be given a 3-day notice after violating inactivity rules before being subject to eviction.
(6) Citizens who violate the Inactivity eviction rules in the Suburbs District shall be subject to eviction.
(a) Citizens will be given a 3-day notice after violating inactivity rules before being subject to eviction.
(7) The Minister of Internal Development may grant an exception for Inactivity Evictions should the citizens notify them of their inactivity.

Authored by Ryan_88 (original author), amendments by DemonWolf_101.


Department of State
Department of State
This bill has received Prime Ministerial assent and is hereby signed into law.
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