Denied coconutmilk_'s Application for a Government Business Grant


- In-game name: coconutmilk_
- Company name: CoCo
- Date joined server: 1 year ago
- Current playtime: 10d 4h 30m
- Which grant are you requesting: Government Business Grant
- Amount requesting: 6,000kr
- What would the grant be used for? To buy materials for the first CoCo apartment building which is in the works. I will be purchasing quartz, elevators, and concrete for this project.
- Do you have a detailed plan for the project? To primarily make profit off of the rented shops and apartments off of this apartment building, grow my company, and increase my revenue by purchasing other plots in the capital and other cities and stores at the mall, and expanding my company by building more apartments, rented shops, etc. This apartment building is what I'm hoping will get me on my feet.
- Additional Information: I plan to continue building this tower in this pattern:-


I apologize about the late response. The maximum current amount we can give is 5,000kr. We would love to help you expand if you are still interested. I'll leave this application still pending until you reply.