Rescinded Conserve Individual Towns Act

P. Hunter

Conserve Individual Towns Act


Protect the integrity of the city rp aspect of the server

The Council of Ministers enacts:

Section 1. Short Title
(1) This Act is the CITA (Conserve Individual Towns Act).

Section 2. Commencement

(1) All Provision(s) shall come into effect upon passage.
Section 3. Reasoning

(1) Currently there are many players creating towns in the wild that are destroying the function of actual towns.
(2) These players have minimal rights in the wild where laws are rarely even enforced.

Section 4. Regulation of the Creation of Villages

(1) The creation of any property, located whether in the city or wild, that functions as an Unofficial Town as determined by the State Department shall be legally known as a village.

  1. A village shall be defined as a sole region or any group of regions in which a community actively resides, has roads, and buildings.
  2. A group of regions is 3 or more regions within a radius of not more than 50 blocks from each other.

(2) The development and creation of a village shall be illegal without explicit approval from the State Department.

  1. The State Department shall have the authority to shut down unapproved villages, remove any and all regions involved, and ensure the cease of function and existence of the village.
  2. They must give property owners 48 hours notice to shut down their properties and cease function on their own.
  3. If property owners fail to comply, the State Department shall be authorized by any means necessary to work with other departments, agencies, and offices of government to shut down a village and remove its existence from the Republic of Stratham.
  4. Failure to comply with this clause shall result in up to a 10000kr fine issued to the principal owners of the village or a 5000kr fine issued to property owners that have failed to comply.
  5. The State Department will provide a refund of the regions of up to 50% of the value.
(3) The Advertisement of a village that is not approved by the State Department is illegal and shall be fined up to 500 kr per offense.

(4) All villages approved by the State Department must have a name approved by the State Department.

(5) The creation of regions for the purpose of creating a village without prior approval from the State Department is illegal.

(6) Approval issued from the State Department does not officially recognise the village but is rather an approval for construction and development of one.

  1. The State Department may revoke its approval at any time.

Authored by The Department of State on behalf of the Republic of Stratham.